Chapter 9

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Kayla's POV

"Honey." My mom called out to me.

I wiped my eyes and face and open my door. I tried to look like I was sleeping and tired.

"Yes mom? I said stretching.

"Oh I'm sorry to wake you. I just want to let you know we have a surprise for you tomorrow." She said and kissed my head and wished me a good night sleep.

I shut my door and climbed in my bed. I cried until darkness took over me.
It was a Monday morning and almost time for school. I got dressed in me a big sweater and some black skinny jeans and a black beanie and boots and went down stairs. As I reached the last step my mom gave me some keys and gave me a tight hug. I ran outside and saw a small white cute car. I screamed and hugged my mom again.

"Thanks mom and Frank." I said hugging him to.

"You deserve it." He said and rubbed my head.

I got in the car and cranked it and turned my heater on blast. I noticed Chad has already left and was probably at school. I blew my horn and backed out the drive way. I was scared to drive in the snow do I drove slow.

As I made it to school I parked my car and locked it by pushing my alarm. I looked towards the entrance and saw Chad hugging Sue and kissing her I stooped in my tracks and stared at them. I tear fell but I wiped it.

"Hey girl, nice car it fits you." Lex said and put her arm on my shoulder and we walked passed them.

"So are you going to the game tonight or are you coming over my house?" She smiled and asked.

I wouldn't mind going to the game but, Chad might don't want me there.

"Naw, I'll come over your place." I said lowely.

"Yes!" She said and pulled me to the cafeteria.

The school was in school spirit for the game tonight only and a few more months then its prom then graduation. I so wanted to be out of school.

The day went by smooth and quiet during my last two classes. After school I went straight home and asked mom if I can go over Lex house. She gave me a confusing look and asked me was I going to the game. I shook my head no and she smiled and said it was okay.

So I packed me some snacks and other things and left. I drove to her house and was amazed at how normal it was. When I entered I was greeted by a small girl and her hairy dog. Cute!

We had fun and ate a great meal. I knew I had to be at home at a certain time but, who cares.

Chad's POV

As I was warming up for the game I couldn't get her out my head.

'Chad, I love you'

Was the only words I can hear. I hear Susie say it all the time but, with no feelings. I had to stop what we was doing I just had to. Sooner or later when I graduate I will be out of this village.

"Alright Chad!." I hear my old man shout.

I searched in the crowd for them and when I see them I only see him and Maria. Where the fuck is she?

I threw the ball hard to Steve, my fake friend and went to the bleachers with a fake smile. I hugged them both and just had to ask.

"Where is lo-Kayla?" I corrected my words.

"She's at a friends house." Maria said with a sad smile.

I smiled and said my byes to them and turned around with and angry expression. I know she is mad at me but, to miss my game.

I'm so pissed. Steve and Derek looks at each other and back at me. They knew I was pissed and knew I had a temper. Its just I never showed it to Kayla cause I was always calm around her and comfortable. Her quietness  fucking aroused me. I was tempted to make her talk and call my name.

The buzzer went off and I knew it was game time.


We won the game and I high five my team mates and went into the locker room to change. First I will have anger sex with Susie then I will give Kayla a piece of my fucking mine.


Kayla's POV

It was getting late and mom told me to head home and the good news about Chad winning the game.

As I walked in the house it was quiet. Was they gone. I then walked upstairs and met a furious looking Chad. I walked pass him and went to my door.

"Where were you?" He said annoyed.

"None of you business." I said coldly shocked at my choice of words.

"Excuse me? What fuck did you say?" He said kind of loud.

"Leave me alone ain't that's what you wanted!? For me to leave you alone!" I shouted looking back at him.

"Yes that what I fucking wanted. But it was my fucking basketball game and I wanted everyone there as" He shouted.

"Family me and you? We're not family, family don't do what you did to me. I hate you and why don't you go get your lame ass fake girlfriend and fight with her tonight cause I won't!" I shouted and threw my bag at him.

"Kayla!" I looked at my mom and Frank coming out their room.

Shit I thought they was gone.

"What's going on?" Frank asked.

"She's not fake and she is way better then you will ever be. YOU ARE THE FAKE ONE!" He shouted.


"Kayla!" My mom shouted.

I went to him and slapped him. He look at me and when I saw his eyes I back up he had anger, darkness, and.......arousal in them.

He begin to walk up to me fast.

"Chad, don't!" Frank shouted.

Hohoho! What will happen next I wonder. Hmmmmm😏😏😏😋.

Thanks for reading and until then bye.😘😘😘😘

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