Part 2 Chapter 9

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Kayla's POV😢😘( Sorry but I made it longer for you all)

It's been seven weeks now and we are getting prepared for our wedding. I wanted to get married before I have a large belly.

My wedding was going to be simple and in a field like my dream. Which has come true. I finally realised that the man was Chad. (Duh)

Right now I am putting on my wedding dress and doing my hair. My brides maid is only Lexie. Frank agrees to walkad me down the aisle.

I took pictures with mom and Lex for about an hour and then she told me Frank and Chad has made it.

"You better get out there before those girls still your future husband." Mom said jokingly.

"I will have to fight them." Lex replied.

We all walked down the steps laughing and talking about how and who my baby will look like.

Then things got serious.

Mom walked in first to light candles. Then Lex walked in with Derek whom I was surprise to see. Then Frank came and got me and asked was I ready.

Once the doors open I saw nothing but the sun shining then I saw people standing looking and smiling at me. When I got close to the alter I see a handsome Chad smiling at me and fixing his suit.

The tears soon fell and he practically ran to me and his father.

"Are you okay? You need water? Food? Is the baby okay?" He asked so many questions.

"Idiot! Why did you come down the aisle." Frank hit Chad across the head.

I laughed while crying and so did everyone else.

Now that the wedding was over me and Chad took pictures in the field. Then we ate and danced. It was all over when the rain came falling down and everyone decide to leave.

"I found us a three bedroom house." Chad said while we sat by a big window him behind me and me between his legs with my back against his chest.

"Really. Can I see it." I asked putting down a bowl of fresh strawberries.

"Yes love, here is some pictures on my phone." He pulled out his phone and showed me a big wonderful house.


The next morning five days after the wedding. We are in our new home which has the ocean in the back.

I snuck away from him and decided to put on a show for him. I put on a all white long langerie and stood in the balcony door of our room.

"Chad." I called to wake him up.

"Hmm." He answered feeling around on the bed looking for me.

One of his eyes popped open then he sat up and looked straight at me.

"Oh fuck, love. You look so damn gorgeous." He said, about to get out the bed.

"No stay. I want you to admire me for a while longer." I said walking slowly over to him hoping these heels don't make me fall.

"Come closer, come closer." He said as he crawled to the foot of the bed.

When I was close enough he pulled me down by my arm and I fell on the bed on my back.

"Chad!" I shouted.

"Sorry love I don't like to be teased." He said with his hand traveling up and down my body.

He slid the fabric that was covering my breast to the side and he messaged and played with my nipples.

"I see this part caught your eyes, aww!" I said in between moans of pleasure.

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