Chapter 3

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Kayla's POV

I'm now in my room with my door locked and hugging my pillow. My stepbrother scares the hell out of me.

"Honey? Are you up?" My mom wiggle on the door knob.

"Yes." I said sitting up in my bed.

I heard her footstep disappear down the stairs and I went into my bathroom to do my morning routines. As I showered I thought about what he had me to do to be released last night.


"Tell me to let you go. But say my name with it." He said in my ear.

We was squatting like this for almost and hour until he licked the inside of my ear and nibbled on my earlobe. I fell right on my butt and grabbed my ear he licked.

"C-chad p-please let me g-go." I studered looking up at him still shocked.

"Your voice sound sweet." He said smiling and standing up. He then flicked off the lights and left the kitchen.


I'm now getting out the shower and combing my hair. I put on my clothes and headed out my room door.

I walked downstairs meeting blue eyes that was looking at me up and down

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I walked downstairs meeting blue eyes that was looking at me up and down. He had on a black peacoat, black shirt, black pants, and brown boots. He was hot but, was my stepbrother. That's why I can't explain the things he do to me.

"Breakfast is......

My mom was cut off by Chad.

"We'll eat at school." He said and grabbed my hand and led us to his black hummer.

He open the door for me and help me in by grabbing my waist and lifting me up. I gasped and sat down in the seat. He chuckled and ran to the other side. I was so cold now that he was away from me.

I put my seat belt on and folded my arms. He sat in the seat and cranked the big guy and turn the heater on blast. He looked at me and placed his hand on the back of my seat and begin to back out the drive way.

It was quiet in a good way and no movements. Looked out the window at the village and saw nothing but snow. Snow on the road, snow on the buildings, and down on people.

"You smell nice." I looked at him slowly and hoped to God he was not in a arousal mood.

I smiled and nodded. I looked away from him and his car came to a sudden stop. I jerked forward a little and looked at him. He was looking at me in a annoyed way. My eyebrows went up shockingly.

"You suppose to say thank you love. You can talk to me you know." He said looking in my eyes.

"Thank you." I mumbled looking away.

I felt his hand on my chin pulling me around. He pulled my face towards him and God his scent hit me again.

"You locked your door on me. We could have cuddled last night." He said licking his lips.

I backed away from him quickly and wanted so bad to get out this car. He chuckled and begin to drive again. We made it to a red brick school called Lake High School. I sighed looking at new faces and didn't realize I was being removed from the truck. He was unbuckling my belt and grabbing my bag.

"I have practice after school at 4pm. I'm sure someone will show you around school." He said and started walking to Sue.

He hugged her and gave her a deep kiss while looking  back at me. I felt something rise in me and pain at the same time but, I ignored it.

I walked a little behind them inside the double doors and looked for a signs that said guidance councillor office. I went in and sign my name and sat down until my name was called.

"Kayla Straughter." A woman in glasses called me. 

"Yes?" I said getting up.

"Here is your schedule and since you are a Senior, all your classes will be on the third floor. When you leave this office go straight down this hall and use the elevator or stairs on the right, your choice. Have a great first day." She said and called another student.

I did as told and walked in a fast paste to the elevator.

"Hold up, you have to eat breakfast first."

I was pulled by my wrist by Chad and we went to the cafeteria. He showed me what to do and I sat at his table. At least I was allowed. I ate silently and never looked up until someone's feet wrapped around mines. I looked up and straight into some blue ones.

He smirked at me and put a piece of pancake in his mouth. He mouthed the words 'look up beautiful' to me and I blushed. I struggled trying to untangle our feet but, was unsuccessful.

His table was full and everyone called his name from boys to girls. The freshman was flirting with the tree boys. Sue was giving evil glares and hugging Chad's arm. I looked under eyed at them and then looked at Chad but, only to look down quickly cause he was staring at me.


I jumped a little from the bell and looked everyone getting up. Chad walked off with his crew leaving me at the table. I got up slowly emptying my trey and walk back to the elevator which was packed. The school was kind of small so it was probably easy to find my classes. As I was about to take the elevator I seen Chad, Sue, Derek, and Steve walk up to the elevator. Everyone begin to move aside to let them use the elevator first. 
My mouth made an o shape and a girl beside me told me to close it. I looked at her and smiled from embarrassment.

"Name is Lexis you can call me Lex."

"Kayla." I said.

"So are you Chad's secret girl? I saw y'all with your legs wrapped up at breakfast."

Thanks for reading.😘😘😘😘😘😘

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