Part 2 Chaper 6

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Kayla's POV  ~ Sorry for the delay! ~

It was Saturday and I woke up sweating and out of breath from the dream. I stretched and got up to take a shower.

I sat on my couch to look at TV and ate some lucky charm cereals. I was having a bad feeling all day and I wanted to hurry up and drink some liquor.

To make the day go by I decided to visit my mom and Frank. I put on me some jeans and a shirt and went to my car.

I arrived to a white brick house and parked my car. Wow this house is gorgeous.

"Oh honey you surprised us." My mom came out in her robe.

"Hey mom." I said and ran in her arms and for some unknown reason I broke down in sobs.

"What's the matter baby." She rubbed her fingers through my hair.

"Is she OK?" Frank asked in a concern voice.

"I don't know. Let's get her inside." My mom said to Frank and she guided me inside.

My mom cut me fruits and gave me some water. Frank tried to tell me jokes to make me laugh which worked a little.

"Why were you crying?" Mom asked.

"I don't know I just needed it." I said honestly.

"Okay, I know you build so much inside of you and it take years before you finally crack." My mom said kissing my forehead not asking for more.

We played many board games and ate. We also played in the pool and played volleyball ball. Me and mom against Frank. It was fun.

When I looked at the sky getting darker I decided to head home. I kissed mom and hugged Frank bye.

I looked at the time it was 5 pm.
I still had time.


Chad's POV

I was sitting at the bar waiting on love to show up. I didn't invite Susie nor the guys. I wanted my full attention on Love.

As I looked at my watch it was 6pm. She was late.

I stood by the door greeting my friends and shaking their hands. I had girls hug me and whisper things in my ear. Some even slipped a note in my hand.

As I looked at the door one last time I went and sat at the booth with John and his crew and gave the house drinks.

When I sipped out my cup I saw the most beautiful, gorgeous, perfect, sexy, and hottest woman I ever seen. I stood up quickly and walked to her before any other man did.

She had on a straight black dress with a split on the side. Her hair was down and her makeup was light. As I walked up to her she spots me and blush.

"I see you decided to show up." I said jokingly.

"Sorry I was at mom and Frank house." She said smiling.

"Want a drank." I asked giving her a strawberita.

"Thanks." She took the drank and sipped from it.

"Let's sit." I grabbed her hand and walked her to the booth.

Everyone was talking and laughing and drinking. I watched as Love played with her fingers and looked at the dance floor.

"Want to dance?" I asked her.

"Yeah." She said and stood up.

I stood up behind her blocking her ass in the dress. When we made it to the dance floor princess of China came on.

She wrapped her hand around me and swayed her hips. I put my hand on them and moved closer to her.

Her dress raised up a little and I hugged her body tight. Her head went back and I kissed her neck. I seen the tears roll down her face and I pulled her head up to look at me.

She pushed me away and ran out the club. I ran behind her.

What the hell? I just got started.

Kayla's POV

I can't take it anymore I love him and I know he is getting married. All I can do is run. When I heard my name being called and footsteps behind me I sped up.

Once at my car I got inside and locked my door. He stopped and I knew he was going to his car.

I drove fast to my apartment wanting to get in and lock my door. I was hurting and dying inside.

Once at my apartment I ran upstairs and to my room. I begin to open my door when suddenly I dropped my keys.

"Shit!" I shouted.

"Kayla!" I heard my name again..

I quickly open my door and shut it. He was soon at it beating on my door.

"Kayla love please talk to me." He mumbled.

"Go away." I said.

"Kayla!.... Just tell me why you was crying!" He shouted.




"Open the door."


"Damn Kayla people are looking at me. I'm not leaving even if they call the cops."  He shouted.

It was quiet for a while and I lean my head on the door.

"I love you." I whispered.
"I love you!" I said louder.
"I. Love. You!" I shouted.

I open my door on the last one to see his face. He looked shocked and scared.

"But I know I can't have you and you belong to someone else. I tried to forget about you. I really tried. My whole life revolves around you. You are like my sunlight that keep me alive. My water that I need. That's why all I can do is cry when I'm around you. I love you."  I fell to my knees and cried in my hand.

"Kayla Kayla Kayla. I've been calling your name since we left the club. I told you once I say your name I will fall in love with you again." He said grabbing me up off the ground.

He eased me up in my house and before I knew it I was on my back on my bed.

"Kayla can I have you?" He whispers in my ear.

"Yes." I said hugging him tight to me.


Thanks for reading.😘😘✌

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