My stepbrother 2 Chapter 1

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Kayla above grown up. Isn't she cute?😍

Kayla's POV

I'm now 21 years old and work at a bakery shop. My mom and Frank has moved from here and I decided to stay. I haven't heard or seen any if my friends here in this cold village. I was serving customers and thinking about the invitation of moving down in Florida with my mom.

I got so use to the cold weather...... Ha, who is I'm kidding. I still hate the cold and Florida sounds hella find.

"Kayla can you order some blueberries we are kind of low." Mr. Bill asked me.

"Yea, sure." I said and left the register.

I made the orders and decided to Google Miami Florida. The beach was nice and I wanted a condo on it. I searched for some to send to my mom so she can put down a down payment until I get there.

"This is the one." I said and sent my mom the information.

I then shoved my phone down in my pocket and went back to work. It was 9pm and I was heading back home which, is the same place we all lived in. I never stepped foot into Chad's room and I always slept downstairs. I went up stairs and looked at my phone and realized I had a text.

Mom - "Well if you like it I will call now and make the down payment. Its only three miles out from us and you are still close."

Me - "Okay thanks see you all soon. Love you both."

I put my phone on my night stand and looked up in the ceiling. I start remembering things and decided to let darkness take over.


The next morning which was Tuesday I went to work and worked my full shift. I then got a text from my mom telling me I had to be at the apartment in two days. I told my boss I was leaving but I wanted to at least work a full day.

When off work I went home and packed a few items and gave some away to salvation army. I wouldn't need winter clothes anyway in Florida. I then got in my car and went to the airport. I already had a car transporter and settled. My car was cleaned and I used up all the fuel.

I sat there for a few hours until my flight was called. "Flight 210 to Miami Florida is ready to board. All passengers please make your way over to line 12." I picked up my bags and went to line 12 where I saw a women and a security guard getting tickets and scanning people as they go down the hall.

I was checked and was now boarding the plane. I took a nausea pill and a sleeping pill and laid back looking out the window. 'Goodbye cold' I said to myself and closed my eyes.


The flight was............I don't know I was sleep through the whole ride. I walked past the large windows looking at the sun and sandy beach. I smiled and looked towards the crowd to find my mom and my name.

"Kayla!" My mom shouted.

"Mom!" I said and ran to her.

"God I missed you. You look beautiful." She said hugging me tightly when I made it close to her.

I giggled and released her. She grabbed my hand and told me we had to hurry to my apartment. She looked happy and excited. I got in her black escalade and buckled up. She went on about why I stare into the ocean. It was blue just like his eyes. I shook my head and zoomed in back into my mom's conversation.

"We have to get you a purtty( spelt this way on purpose) dress for tomorrow." She said in a cute way.

"Why?" I asked looking at her.

"Its a secret." She said looking at me and back at the road.

We arrived at my apartment and I fell in love. It was quite small and just for me. The ocean was in view and the sun was to. I smiled and sat down on the little red sofa in my bed room and started unpacking my bags.

"Call me when you done we can go buy groceries and shop for your outfit." She said kissing my cheek.

"Okay." I said and pulled out my laptop to play some music. I played uptown funk by Bruno mars and begin unpacking and wiping my house down.

My house was clean and I decided to shower and take a long nap. I turn off my lights and looked out the window at the ocean and let my heavy eye lids fall.

Knock! Knock!

I open my eyes to someone knocking at my door. I got up and I peeked in the small whole in my door.

"Mom." I said opening my door and yawning.

"We have to go beautiful. Shopping time." She said pulling me out in my PJs.

I was to tired to fuss with her so I let her had her way. I tried on many dresses and finally we agreed to one. I bought shoes and makeup and more outfits. I even bought bathing suits. When done we went to a grocery store and shopped for food for my fridge.

When finally home and having my bags delivered to my apartments I put the groceries up and crawled back in bed.


The next morning I got up I did my morning routines and went for a walk on the beach.

The sand was great on the bottom of my feet and the sun shine on my pale skin. I sat in one of the beach chairs and laid on it. Mom wasn't coming til 6pm.

When napping in the sun and having my skin tinned. I went back up to my room and showered and ate a sandwich. It was 5pm and I was running late.

I put my hair in loose curls whipped on one side and put on my assesorries. I then slipped on my dress and hills and waited for mom.

Buzz! Knock! Knock!

"I'm coming mom!" I shouted.

I open the door and my mom smiled.

"You look beautiful." She said

"Thanks." I smiled.

"Now let's go. They probably wondering where I'm at." She said pulling on my hand.

"They who?" I asked.

"You will see." She answered.

Thanks for reading.😍😍😘😘😘

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