Chapter 4

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Susie above

Kayla's POV

"Um.....well....he is......I'm a childhood friend from Carolina. I said looking away from her.

"Oh.....okay then. Let's go we have to use the stairs." She said corner eying me like she knew I was lying.

The day went by fast and I didn't have not one class with Chad yet. Yes! Me and Lex do have three classes together and we became quite close. Now we are on our way to lunch. We have two lunch shifts and I was on the second one. Me and Lex grabbed our food and sat at a table far back in the corner. I was hoping Chad and his crew didn't have this lunch shift.

The lunch room was quiet until a large group of people walked in and guess who was leading them, Chad. I looked down from them and Lex cleared her throat.

"Well here comes the school's basketball team and cheerleaders." She said sarcastically.

I looked at her and smiled. They all sat down with their plates. When I looked over at them I see the most hilarious thing. When Sue sits down she misses her whole chair. Lex giggle lowly but, me. I laughed out loud with food coming out my mouth. Lex hit my arm trying to get my attention but, I looked back at Sue who was being helped up by Chad who was glaring at me. I choked on my food in my mouth and looked around me. I was getting bad vibes.

"Um...we have things to do in the library." Lex empt my trey and pulled me up out my chair from staring at Chad.

I followed her with fear in my eyes. Chad was pissed and I knew I was in some deep shit.

"Idiot. How could you laugh out loud like that? And especially at Susie Staples." She looked at me with both of us hiding in the back of the library.

I shook my head not saying a word. He's going to kill me. Its like I can read his mine ' you're dead' is what I heard.
"You know why he is dating Susie?"

"No." I mumbled, still looking at the entrance of the library.

"She use to get bullied during her freshman year here. Chad was also a freshman but, was liked cause the whole village knew him and his father. His dad is a rich man and practically run this place. He took up for Susie and protected her the whole year. Then the news spread that they was dating. Its hard to come in between those two. Any other girl is a fool to fall in love with him. He will only sleep around with them and go back to her." She said gasping when she looked at the door.

I looked up towards the entrance and saw Chad, my heart was on the verge of stopping.

"We must move." She whispered.

We walked behind one of the bookshelves and peeked between the books. People was giving us crazy looks. He begin to walk towards the back and we moved to the front. When we was behind the third bookshelf we peeked trying to see where he was. We couldn't find him, so we begin to go towards the door when we came from behind the bookshelves he came from behind the first one.


"I snuck behind both of you and lean against the front shelf. You both was so busy looking at the last ones for me, while I was looking at you." He said walking close to me.

"Run!" Lex shouted.

"Shhhhh." The librarian looked at us.

I start to run but.....

"Not so fast love." Chad wrapped his arm around my waist and lift me off the floor. Did I tell you he was almost six inches tall. My head stopped at his chest so of course I was easy for him to pick up.

I looked at Lex with a pleading look and she gave me a sad one. Oh, and btw she was on the outside of the window looking in. Well we did just meet, so of course she will leave me.

Chad carried me to an empty room that looked like a computer lab. He let me down and I backed up to a wall. He walked closer to me with a look I never seen.

"You laughed at my Susie. Now you must pay." He said boxing me in with his hands on both sides of my head.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know I was laughing so loud." I said lowly turning my back towards him to look away.

"Kay, turn around and face me." He said annoyed. Saying my name shortly.

I shook my head no and hugged my body to the wall for dear life.

"Look. At. Me." He said with his body leaning on mines and lips to my ear.

I gasped and turned around quickly. Our head almost bumping each other. He looked in my eyes and lean in closing the small gap between us.

"Please don't do this." I begged.

"You teased me for to long. I want you and I will have you." He kissed my lips roughly.

I moaned from his kiss and he licked my bottom lip asking for entrance. I kept my mouth shut shaking my head no. He then moved his hand from the wall and traveled his hand lower to my butt cheeks and groped them tightly. I gasped and he stuck his tongue in my mouth. I had no choice but to enjoy it. My eyes closed and my hands found they way in his soft hair. I tugged it and he groaned picking me up. I wrapped my legs around his hip and felt his hard on.

He broke the kiss allowing me to catch my breath. I was dizzy and my eyes was still shut.

"s m-my fist kiss." I mumbled.

"What?" He whispered in the crook of my neck.

"That was my first kiss." I said releasing his hair.

"Shit love. I was suppose to punish you, not enjoy you." He said licking my bottom lip and bit it.



Lol late bell and who called Chads name.😏 Things is starting to heat up.😋😋

Thanks for reading.😘😘😘😘

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