Chapter 6

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Kayla's POV

Sue was walking up the bleachers with hatred in her eyes. She walked fast up to me and swung. I dodged at first then she pulled my hair. She started punching me and yelling hurtful words. I started swinging my arms widely trying to get her to let me go.

"Stop!" I heard Chad yell.

Sue let me go and my hand smack the mess out of her in the face. I put my hand over my mouth and lean in to her.

"A-are you okay?" I asked.

"Move! Susie? Are you okay?" Chad asked her and my heart ached.

He was worried about her and not me. He grabbed her waist and helped her down the bleachers. Steve looked at me with a smirk and walked out the door behind them.

"What I missed?" Derek rushed in and back out behind the group.

I sat down looking around the empty gym and pulled out my phone. I smiled at how my only contact was my mother. I begin to text when a drop of water fell on my screen I looked up looking for a leak in the ceiling but, when I felt the water run down my cheeks I sobbed loudly.

"Do you need a ride?" I looked up and saw Lex.

"Sniff..... yes ......sniff.... please." I said between sobs.

I grabbed my bag and walked out the door with Lex. The parking lot was empty. When Lex dropped me off she found out I was staying with Chad. I asked to promise not to tell. She promised and I got out her car. When I got in the house was dark and empty. I went upstairs and took a shower and got comfortable.

I let my hair down and went to the kitchen. I made myself a sandwich and went back upstairs. When I heard a door shut I looked out my room window and saw Chad and what looked like a drunk Sue. I ran to my door and shut it and locked it.

"Jerk." I said and flicked off my lights. I text Lex and asked will she come get me tomorrow for school. She said yes and I smiled for getting someone else text other then my mom.

"Walk straight babe." I heard Chad say while laughing.

"Dowry." Sue responded.

I turned my back to my door and shut my eyes tight.
As the the days went by I haven't spoke to Chad for four days and he haven't spoke to me. It was a Friday night and me and Lex was invited to a party Saturday. I decided to lay up all Friday night since everyone was out. I made sure the doors was locked and I went upstairs and open my laptop on my bed and laid on my stomach. I hooked my earphones in my laptop as well cause I was looking at YouTube videos.

I laid in my bed laughing at crazy videos. When suddenly my bed sinks down like some climbed in it. I take off my earphones and glanced back. Chad was climbing over me and lifting my shirt up.

"Are you still mad at me love? Its been four fucking days and I missed you so fucking much." He said kissing my back softly and taking his hands up  both my sides lifting my shirt.

My eyes closed slowly to his warm  touch but, I had to make him stop.

"Please s-stop." I said lowly.

"Okay love, but tonight only, leave your door unlocked." He kissed my back one last time and left my room.

I sighed laying my head down on my pillow and turned on my back. I can't fall in love with him. I said to myself.

I put my laptop back on my desk and looked out my door and saw a great view. Chad was standing in his room without a shirt and was in his boxers. He was looking at his cell phone and stretching his head.

I looked at his room and it looked simple white and grey walls with basketball sticker on it. Even though I wanted to see more I backed away from my door and flicked the lights and went to sleep.

"Shhh you will wake up the kids." Someone whispers.

I giggled to myself and went back to sleep.

It was a Saturday morning and I woke up yawning and hungry. I brushed my teeth and put my hair in a high pony tail and went downstairs.

"Dad and Maria is gone on a vacation for a few days leaving us alone." Chad says as I enter the kitchen.

I nodded my head and sat down looking at a cooking Chad. He had on a white T-shirt with some grey joggers. He cooked pancakes, eggs, grits, bacon, and a toast. He laid the plates on the table and poured orange juice.

"Breakfast is served." He said kissing my cheek.

He sat beside me and I immediately dug in. It was good, I mean everything was. I heard a chuckle and looked up at Chad wiping my mouth with a napkin.

"Are you going to the party?" He asked suddenly.

"Yes." I answered.

"With who?" He looked at me.

"Lex." I replied back.

"You will be seeing me there." He said.

I nodded and stood up and washed my dish. I looked back and caught Chad looking at me up and down biting his lower lip. He cocked his head to the side and chuckled.

I then ran upstairs. I knew that look and that was my cue.

Thanks for reading.😘😘😘😘😘😪

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