Chapter 8

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Kayla's POV

"Chad what........." Derek came in.

"What's what?" Chad said wiping his mouth.

"Hey." Derek winked and waved at me.

"Get out man you are annoying." Chad pushed Derek out the room.

I giggled and got off the stand since I was back to earth. The only problem I had was I can still feel Chad's warm wet tongue and his finger. I blushed and squeezed my legs together. I fixed my dress and put my jacket back on and stood there waiting for Chad.

"You ready?" He asked.

I nodded and he took my hand and we walked back to the party. We danced and got drunk. The only to time Chad let my hand go was when Susie come and takes him. I danced with Lex and fell, laughed, did shots, and fell again. I was having so much fun until Chad said he was ready to go and Lex said she wanted to stay. She kind of got fun of Derek for some unknown reason.

I took Chad's offer and we went home. When we walked in loud he shushed me and I laughed and said our parents are gone remember. He laughed and pushed me upstairs.

I finally got to make him laugh and not chuckle. I went into my room and took a long shower and brushed my teeth. I left my room door open and he left his open.

"G'night!" I hear him shout.
I woke up Sunday with the biggest headache and decided to stay in bed all day. I did get up and brush my teeth and all but, I plopped back in my bed. While I was laying there I hear my name.

"Kayla!" Chad screamed.

"What?" I shouted back.

"Love!" He shouted again.

I got out of my bed in went and stood in the door frame of his room. It was clean and neat. He had two door which I'm assuming is the bathroom and his closet.

"What?" I said yawning.

"Come lay with me love." He said lifting his head up from his pillow.

"I'll pass." I said walking away.

I heard shuffling and decided to walk faster. By the time I shut my door he was pushing it open.

"Please?" He made a pouting face.

"Fine." I lost to his puppy eyes.

I walked behind him as he pulled me down with him on the bed. He cuddle behind me and place his head in the crook of my neck. We fell asleep, woke up, played pillow fighting, slept, wrestled around, slept, ordered pizza, slept, kissed, and did some sexual things. He was so good in those kind of things if you know what I mean.

It was now late and we was laying with each other playing with each other fingers.

"Where's your mom?" I asked.

"Don't know? Your dad?" He answered.

"Same don't know." I said looking up in the ceiling.

He begin kissing my cheek, neck, lips, and down to my stomach. I gasped and moan as I looked at him. He then raised my shirt exposing my breast and he suck and played with them. This went on for hours as he grind against me with his hard on. I wonder will it hurt like people say it will.

"We're home!" Our parents shout.

Chad released my nipple out his mouth that he was sucking on and leaped off me. I grabbed my clothes and ran right across the hall and put them on. I then met Chad as we both walk down the stairs greeting them.

Mom had this glow about her I couldn't explain and Frank was smiling from ear to ear.

"We decided to get married earlier then we have planned." Frank said.

Chad look at me with an unknowingly look and smiled at his dad.

"Congrats dad, and......well should I say mom now." He smiled and said.

Something was off and I knew what it might be. Our parents told us to go on back to bed and they went to their room. I went and knocked on Chad's door and he let me enter.

"Um Chad, why........"

"They are so happy with one another and my dad looks like he really loves your mom. If they finds out what we are doing this will hurt them. So let's...."

"Chad, I love you." I stopped him and said.

He signed and closed his eyes. "Well Kayla, I don't love you. I love Susie and I only messed around with you to make her jealous. You are my stepsister and is about to be my real one in a few weeks. So let's stop and please give up your love for me." He said and got up to open his door.

I blinked back tears and stood up and walked out his room. It hurts to know I was a replacement. I mean, though I knew it, I just fell in love and it blinded me. I went into my room shut my door and locked it. I lean against my door and slid down to the floor and cried silently.

"I'm so stupid." I said pulling my hair.


Thanks for reading.😘😘😘😘😘😘

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