Part 2 Chapter 2

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Kayla's POV

As me and mom pull up to a tall building I put on nude lipstick and straighted my hair. I see mom get out and so did I. She give her key to a vellet boy and start to walk towards the glass doors. When we walked in the place was clean and huge. Dark shiny floors, white walls, silver chandlers, and employees in black and white.

When walking in deeper I hear people on microphones and music playing. The main thing I smell is food. Mom smiled and grabbed my hand pulling me to two wooden doors.

"Since my wife is not here I......."

"I'm here!" My mom shouted getting everyone's attention.

"Where have you been woman?" Frank said still looking handsome.

"Sorry, I had to go pick up....."

"Hello everyone." I looked up to the stage and see Sue. She was still beautiful and still look the same.

My eyes then went wide. If Sue is here then that mean.

"Me and Chad has some important news. Chad get your handsome butt up here." She said.

My heart dropped to my stomach.

I see a man stand up and fix his suit as people cheered. He walked up the steps and kissed Sue and turn around. He looked astonishing, handsome, rich, and taken. He still had a Mohawk and his blue eyes but, his body looked buffed and perfect. I turn around getting ready to leave but...

"Kayla where are you going?" My mom said a little bit to loud.

"Um..I....well...the restroom." I studering and ran away.

I stood in the big lobby area and sighed. I sat in a chair and questioning thoughts came to me.

'Why are you running away? Didn't he give up on you?' I mean I haven't seen him for three to four years, he probably forgot all about me. I rest my elbows on my knees and put my face in my hand.

"Then why do my heart feel like this?" I said loudly.

I sighed again and stood up fast and shake my head lightly. I then walked back towards the crowed room stood in the entrance.

"Congrats on your engagement." I heard a guy said to Chad who was standing in the center of the room with Sue on his right arm.

'Engagement?' I thought to myself. I blanked away tears that threaten to fall and started walking in the back of the room towards my mom who was sitting to the front. As I walked slowly trying to avoid anyone who might know me, I finally reached her.

"Hi I'm back." I said and took a seat in front of her to have my back turn towards Chad and Sue.

"Hi, were you surprised?" She asked smiling.

"Yea, actually. Where's Frank?" I asked.

"Oh he had some business to attend." She said.

"Oh." I said and sipped on some fruit punch that was in front of me.

Bout a couple minutes later and hearing the laughing behind me get closer. My heart dropped cause I knew it was him and his chuckling.

"Hi Maria, where's dad?" He asked mom. God his voice was even deeper and huskier.

"On call." She said.

I sat there like a statue hoping they didn't hear my heart beat and played with my fingers under the table. He smelt so good. He had the same scent of mints and Cologne.

"So what is the secret you didn't want to share?" He asked placing his hand on the back of my chair.


My heart was like a drum.

"Well if you look at the person in....

"Chaddy my man." A guy interrupted.

"Steve and Derek? Your boss finally let you go?" He said chuckling.

"Yea, while he down her celebrating his big engagement party." Steve said laughing.

'Wait he is their boss?' I said to myself.

"Sorry about that." Chad said.

"Hello boys." Sue said.

"Well hello Mrs. Nelson." Steve and Derek said in unity in a British accent.

"Honey? Where is she? Did I miss her?" Frank came in out of breath like he has been running for miles.

Everyone eyes was on him and then on mom.

"Who?" The crew behind me said in unity.

"Well since I haven't been able to speak since I got here. I been ready to show you guy my surprise, my pride and joy, my other half, and my precious daughter. Kayla." She said grabbing my hand.

It was silent and my chest was tight. So I spoke first. "Hi Frank." I said.

"My God, look at you you are so beautiful. Well get over here and hug me." He said with his arms out.

I stood up slowly and turned around to face four people Derek, Steve, Susie, and....Chad who was staring at me like he was about to pass out. The air was very intense around us so  I smiled at them and went on around to hug Frank.

"Aww you have dimples." He said and poked them.

I giggled and hugged him again. It was comfortable hugging a man who has been a father figure in my life. He hugged me tighter and I released him.

"Dude you alright?" I heard Derek ask  and turn around to see Chad grabbing two glasses of champagne and down them in one gulp.

I stood by mom and rest my hand on her chair. When everyone was looking at him he looked at me. I looked away and gulped. This is going to be a hassle.

When the party was over and the intense stares was over between me and Chad I went outside and stood by mom car on the drivers side so no one can see me. She was talking to Sue and her parents about the wedding. I didn't want to be apart of that so I came out here. As I clicked my heels together I hear footsteps slowly walking towards me. As they got closer and inches away from me to my right.

I looked up slowly from the person's shoes, which was man dress shoes. Then on up to his face and I jumped off the car to stand properly. He begin to walk closer and I backed up.

Thanks for reading.😘😘😘😘😘😘

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