Part 2 Chapter 3

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Kayla's room apartment above

Kayla's POV

"Chad?" I said while backing up from him.

He stared at me with his head to the side and stopped walking my way. He then looked down and sighed while loosening he neck tie and ruffling his hair. He then unbutton he suit coat and stared back at me. I took my heels off ready to run from him.

He begin to walk again and I backed up. He sped up and I turn around to run. But, before I can get away he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back behind the escalade placing my back against it. I tried pushing him off but was unsuccessful. He pin both my hand above my head and lean his head in the crook of my neck.

"Love." The word came out as a whisper as he breath in.

"Don't love." I said trying to get out of his grip. "My name is..... Kayla."

"I can't say your name. It will destroy me and make me want you all over again. I haven't said it for the past four years and I don't want to say it now. I am getting married and will forget all about you, your smell, your touch, your taste, your voice, your face, and your moans." He said and brought his head up to look into my eyes then let me go slowly.

I pushed him away and lean against the back of my mom's car. Trying to catch my breath. I walked over to my heels and picked them up. I heard him come close behind me slowly.

"Don't, just leave me alone." I said putting my hands up.

He didn't stop it was like he was possessed. I closed my eyes sighing and ran around to the other side of the car. He begin to walk a fast pace behind me but was stopped.

"Okay honey you ready? Oh Chad?" My mom looked surprised. "I think Sue and her mother is looking for you."

He stared at me and nodded his head. I kept pulling on mom's door latch and she looked at me like I was crazy and unlocked it. He moved towards me and I jumped in the car and locked the doors he stopped at my door with his hand on the window and I looked down. Mom then walked to the drivers side and used the key to unlock her door cause I was not unlocking the doors.

"Hun, what's wrong? Is he still mad about what happen three years ago?" My mom asked me.

I looked at her with tears in my eyes and shook my head no and looked out the window. Chad frown at me and tried opening the door.

"Mom please just drive." I said lowely.
The ride home was quiet and tense. My mom kept glancing at me cause I had tears falling down my face. I told my mom good night and went up to my apartment. When home, I got undressed and took a shower and went to bed.

The next morning I got up I just laid in my bed with the biggest headache. I was looking out my window at the sky and sighed. Was it a good choice for me to come here?


I reached for phone that was vibrating and read a text from my mom.

Mom - "Don't bother job hunting you can work at the company."

Me - "No"

Mom - "Why not? All you have to do is stand in front of a desk and welcome people and call the manager when someone wants to see him."

Me - "Its called a receptionist mom."

Mom - "Yes one of those. Get ready I'm not taking no for an answer.

I sighed and did a silent scream in my pillow. They do not realise how hard I am trying to stay away from Chad. He will be the death of me.

I sat up in my bed and went into my bathroom. I brushed my teeth and showered. I then blow dried my hair and put it in a bun leaving some strings out. I then went in my room and pull out my straight black dress I wore to my other job interview and slipped it on. I put on some black heels and accessories. Which was pearls.

I then left out my apartment and see my car parked in the parking lot and the guy whom I had to pay

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I then left out my apartment and see my car parked in the parking lot and the guy whom I had to pay. I checked for any scratches or any dents.  Satisfied, I payed him and went straight to the gas station. I asked my mom for directions to the company and she told me. I also told her I have my car and that she didn't have to come pick me up.

Once I was at the big tall building I parked across the street and walked into the glass door. The place was all white with grey furniture. It had big statues and a water fountain in the center of the lobby.

I walked up to the receptionist desk and gave them my name. They told me to wait and they called who I'm guessing is Frank.

"He said you can come on up using the CEO only elevator." The girl pointed right.

I went to the elevator and hit the only button up 21. When I made it to the floor you saw a nothing but the ocean out the huge windows.

I walked passed the receptionist desk which was empty and saw two office doors that has a huge gap between them. One says president and the other say CEO. Who do I talk to?

"Kayla!" I heard my name called and see Frank.

"Hi Frank or I mean Mr. President." I giggled.

"No CEO hunny." He smiled.

"Well since you are already dressed for work, type these up and give them back to me. You will be working on this floor as the only receptionist and personal secretary for me and Chad the President." He said showing me the desk.

"I start now, like..... right now?" I asked.

"Yep so here is your ID badge." He gave me a tag and many codes for the doors to this floor.

"Thanks." I said and begin to type up the papers.

The day went by smooth until.

"Why are you here?"


Thanks for reading.😘😘😘

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