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"Lalisa Manoban..." BamBam muttered under his breath while staring at the invisible space in daze.

The person who sat beside him, which was Jackson had heard him quietly mutter. His ears perked up and he quickly swished his head around, completely facing BamBam.

"What did you say?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "Did you say 'Like Mark's Bum'? You like Mark Hyung's butt? Or did I just didn't heart it right?"

"What?" BamBam stared at him, puzzled.

"I asked if you said, 'I like Mark's bum'?" he repeated, his voice much louder catching some of the member's attention.

"N-" before BamBam could even protest, Jackson had already turned his back on him, facing Mark instead who sat on the other side of the room.

"Mark Hyung!" he called out loudly, his voice echoing on the walls of the practice room.

"Hm?" Mark raised his head, a gentle smile forming in his lips.

"BamBam said he likes your butt!" Jackson blurted out, frankly.

Mark's eyes widened, the smile slowly disappearing from his face. While the other members just choked including Yugyeom who was drinking water, causing him to spit it out directly at JB's face who was currently in front of him.

Yugyeom's eyes widened into a big circle, identical to EXO D.O's eyes as JB wiped the water off of his beautiful face. A deep scowl consumed JB's face, peircing glares electrifying Yugyeom's bare skin, making his little hair stand on its end.

"You little..." JB muttered, hurriedly standing up from the floor.

"Sorry!" the giant maknae only squeeled before running behind Jinyoung's back.

"Come here, you punk." JB hissed, getting in ready position to tackle down Yugyeom.

With a flushed face, Yugyeom ran around, only ending up on taking refugee out of the room. The loud thump of his footsteps sounded on the floor in the hallways as JB who was dripping wet also escaped the room, chasing after the maknae.

Silence took over the room when the leader and the maknae's yells and yelps slowly faded in the far end of the hallway. The rest of the members, wide eyed stared back at BamBam who was as well, dumbfounded.

"So you like Mark Hyung's butt, huh?" Youngjae smirked, the very first one to recover.

"What? No!" BamBam protested and as expected, it was hopeless. He was being ignored.

"I didn't know you were a pervert, Bam." Jinyoung teasingly grinned. "Since when did you start liking Mark? I mean, Mark Hyung's butt?"

"I don-" once again, he was interrupted.

"And why do you like my ass?" Mark with an irritated voice questioned.

"But I d-"


"Obviously because your booty is bootiful!" Jackson beamed, throwing both of his arms in the air, dramatically.

The other's stared in disbelief, especially BamBam who's mouth was wide open. Bootiful? Really? Personally, it's a really good pun. But for BamBam? Nah! Well, at least not right now since he's not in the mood.

"I told you, I didn't say I like Mark Hyung's butt!" BamBam took the opportunity to explain since they were quiet because of Jackson. "Jackson Hyung misheard me! I said something else!"

The other's snapped their heads to BamBam, seriousness written all over their faces. "Then what did you say?" Jackson questioned, challengingly.

"I...um..." BamBam started. He didn't know what to say. He obviously can't tell them he muttered Lalisa Manoban. He'll just get teased more.

"Can't say anything?" Jinyoung raised an eyebrow.

"Uh..." no idea or excuse came in BamBam's head for rescue.

"Confirmed." Jackson remarked, pointing his index finger at bambam. "You do like Mark Hyung's ass."

Biting his lower lip, BamBam decided to let it be. He closed his eyes tightly shut, accepting the unlucky fate that he had. They think he's a pervert now.

"Whatever." BamBam sashayed sassily. He stood up from the floor and headed towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Mark asked.

"Somewhere." BamBam simply answered. "Somewhere to buy a drink. I'm really craving for some bubble tea."

"Let me come!" Jackson quickly stood up. "I want bubble tea too. I'm really tired from practicing. I feel hot. Well, I am hot."

The rest rolled their eyes at Jackson, who stated that he's hot.

Before Jackson could even scatter up and tag along BamBam, the second maknae quickly left, not wanting anyone to acompany him. Running through the hallways as fast as he can, he heard Jackson call after him but he just ignored.

BamBam hurriedly entered the elevator, pressing the main floor button multiple times before the doors completely closed. When he reached the main floor, he saw both his missing members, JB and Yugyeom restling each other in the lobby. Some of the staffs where surrounding them, not bothering to stop both though.

How did they end up here? Bam Bam questioned in his mind.

BamBam just shook his head and wore his hoodie and mask. He inserted his hands inside the pockets of his sweater as he exited the JYP building.

He turned right and walked normally, his head down. The bubble tea store was now in sight, a smile formed in BamBam's lips. As he neared the shop, he suddenly bumped into someone.

"Sorry." BamBam quickly apologized at the same time the person he bumped into did.

He recognized the voice to be a girl's. But what caught his attention is how familiar the voice was. BamBam quickly turned around, facing a girl wearing a hoodie as well and shorts. Her blonde highlighted hair stuck out from her hoodie. Bambam could see her full pink lips and nose except her eyes.

Slowly, the girl raised her head. Their eyes met and BamBam let out a silent gasp. She wore an innocent expression, her eyes gazing at him blankly.

She was more different than the last time he'd seen her. Of course, it's been years. BamBam thought.

"Lisa..." BamBam whispered, enough for the girl to hear.

The blank expression of the girl changed, instead, a bright wide smile replacing it. She waved her hand at BamBam, her eye smile showing.

"Oh, it's been long, Bammie!"

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