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"Nalla-Lisa!" the said girl quickly spun her head to the source of the familiar voice only to find her eldest unnie running towards her with a hand frantically waving in the air.

The blonde lassie arched an eyebrow as her oldest member finally reached her. Smiling genuinely, the red haired girl held out a white envelope which instantly caught Lisa's attention.

"What's this?" she asked, curiously peering at the folded paper.

"A letter." Jisoo grinned. "And it's addressed to you."

"From a fan?" Lisa asked as she took the envelope from her member's grasp.

"I don't know." Jisoo shrugged, innocently. "There wasn't anything written on it from who it came from. Only that, it's for you."

"Is that so...?" the blonde girl stared at the piece of paper in her hands. "Thank you then, unnie."

"Anytime," the elder gently smiled whilst patting the younger's back before sauntering away.

Once Lisa was sure that Jisoo was gone, she quickly turned her attention back to the letter in her hands. She furrowed her eyebrows as she gnawed into her lower lip.

"Who could have sent this?" she muttered under her breath as she shoved her other free hand inside her sweater's pocket whilst aimlessly sauntering around the living room of their dorm.

She plopped down and leaned her back on the sofa as she began opening the letter, anticipating the contents that it contained. Lisa took out a folded white paper, quite simple yet still mysterious. Slowly, with slight trembling hands, she unfolded it and began reciting the words that the average hand writing formed in her mind, silently.

Dear Lalisa,

I am writing to say just how much I enjoy watching your performances and listening to your songs, Lisa. You're a very fine singer, rapper and dancer. You're very talented and I admire you for that.

You may not know who I am for now, but I assure you, you will find out soon enough. And if you did, I don't know what will be your reaction. Unpleasant, maybe. But if ever, I had the chance to explain myself and you luckily understood, your reaction might turn out pleasant after all.

Anyways, this letter is just the beginning. The real reason why I wrote this, is to say my apologies. I know it might not be very nice to say it through a letter instead in person. But I'm being sincere and poured every once of my feelings in this mere letter. Maybe soon, in the right time, I will stand right in front of you, staring at your face as I say the words I've been longing to say all these years.

Lalisa Manoban, I'm sorry.


She raised an eyebrow once she finished reading. The girl let out a huff, realizing just then that she's been holding her breath the entire time. She ran her fingers through her hair and placed the letter down her lap as she stared absentmindedly in the invisible space.

"Is that a love letter that I see?"

Lisa slightly jumped from her seat as she instantly spun her head behind her only to come face to face with Rosè. Rosè was leaning her head on Lisa's shoulder, peering down at the piece of paper in the maknae's lap.

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