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Lisa raced down the pavement, wind hitting her face whilst her hair flowing behind her. As she ran, only one thought remained in her mind; finding BamBam.

Grabbing her phone out of her pocket, she tapped on the screen and dialed K.B, who's been exposed as BamBam.

"Please answer," she muttered repeatedly. "Answer the goddamn phone call please."

Meanwhile, in the other hand, BamBam stared at his screen, startled and perplexed.  He didn't expect Lisa to ever text or even call him again since he revealed his true identity.

The lad was in a bus, alone, as the only passenger. Which was pretty convenient if ever someone recognizes him.

Is she calling me so she could curse and shout eternal profanities at me? BamBam thought, utterly petrified. He knew how Lisa is when she's infuriated.

Due to his fear of Lisa's temper, BamBam decided to ignore the phone call. But he also knew well that he probably deserves to be cussed by her. He just figured that Lisa do not wish to ever hear or even see him again as much as possible.

But in fact, ignoring her call makes it even harder for Lisa to find him.

"Aish," Lisa dialed his phone number once again, but still, he didn't answer. What? Lisa thought sarcastically. Is he not gonna answer the damn phone call because I told him to not touch me and that he's a liar? Why is he being such a sulky baby?

But Lisa didn't give up, she continually dialed BamBam's number after every single unanswered ring or call as she ran to wherever place her feet took her.

After what seemed like a hundred phone calls, the now annoyed BamBam finally took out his ringing phone and finally, but hesitantly, accepted the incoming call.

"Yes?" he asked, his voice stern. "I'm sorry for not answering, I was busy doing something."

"Busy doing what? Busy ignoring my calls? What a sulky baby you are."

"What?" the remark startled BamBam, especially the voice. It wasn't the voice he was expecting to hear.

"Quit sulking will you?" the voice said. "Look, I know that it was wrong of me to pour water on you. I understand you being mad at me for that. But it was also your fault."

"Why is it my fault?!" BamBam exaggerated, finally recognizing the voice. "First, you intentionally poured water on me and instead of helping me, you just laughed! Tell me Jimin, why the hell is it my fault?"

"Well, Mr. Bhuwakul, you do remember asking me to place myself in Lisa's shoes and act as if I was her and that you, BamBam, broke our promise, right? And that we met up, revealing yourself as K.B to me, well Lisa, yesterday, right?!"

That silenced BamBam.

"I was feeling so betrayed once I made myself think I was Lisa! And of course it made me furious when I found out that the guy I've been texting for a month was no other than the jerk that broke my heart for leaving! And because of my awesome hidden acting skills, I was so into my character that I cried, rashly threw holy water on you to cleanse your simply awful sin and seeing you drenched and in a state of total shock just brought me back to reality. It was funny so I laughed."

"Yah!" BamBam exclaimed. "I only asked you to place yourself in Lisa's shoes so I could practice. I was extremely nervous, you know? You didn't have to go to the extent of yelling that the workers in the café had to calm you down but you screamed at them to mind their own business and then throw your water on me. I came home drenched in water, for goodness sake! The only good thing was that it wasn't your frappuccino drink that you poured on me."

"Well you do have a point," Jimin stated. "Anyways, I owe you an apology." she paused. BamBam could hear her inhaling air from the other end of the call. "I'm sorry. Forgive me for splashing water on you on purpose and making you feel humiliated. Sorry."

BamBam sighed, "You're forgiven." he said. "I'm sorry too for pressuring you to act as Lisa. I shouldn't have."

"Hey..." Jimin's voice grew soft as realization struck her. "Have you...met her already today?"

"Yeah, I had."

"Bam..." she murmured. "I won't ask you how your apology ended or what happened when she found out you were actually K.B, but if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here. Always."

"Thanks, Ji─"

"Unless I'm busy with my own horrible outrageous problems."

BamBam sarcastically scoffed, "You're great, Jimin. You're a great friend."

"Aw...thank you." Jimin gushed. "You're so sweet. You flatter me."

Suddenly, another incoming call appeared on BamBam's phone screen. This time, it was from her.

"Jimin...she's calling," BamBam informed the said girl. "What should I do? Should I answer?"

There was silence from the other end. Jimin had immedietely hung up once BamBam said she was calling.

The transportation the latter was in had stopped just as his finger landed on the accept button. He brought his device onto his ear, ragged breaths coming from the other line.

"I found you."

Her voice brought chills down his spine as he looked up only to witness a familiar lady entering the bus, a huge smile of relief forming on her pink plump lips.

BamBam brought his phone down, his eyes never leaving the girl standing on the other side of the bus.


Lisa grinned as she hurried towards his direction. Once she had reached him with BamBam staring up at her in surprise from his seat, Lisa leaned down and gently pressed her lips to his.

"I missed you."

a/n: bless ya'll

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