Special Chapter; Valentine's Day

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this chapter takes place during their childhood

Lisa gazed up at the clock; 4:41 pmit says. Sighing, she sipped into her glass of water whilst staring at the scarlet accessory around her hand.

He didn't come over again today. And it's been a week. It seems that he's been avoiding her. During school when they pass by the hall, he simply walks away as if he haven't even seen her. Or during dance classes, he busies himself with his other male friends, never once looking her way. He acted like she was invisible.

It was strange. Lisa came into a conclusion that maybe he's just having a hard time at home again and needs some time. So she let him be. She let him ignore her. But this is getting out of hand.

Lisa expected him to at least visit her today since it's the fourteenth of February, Valentine's Day. For the past few years since they met, he used to always give her gifts such as sweets or accessories. She got used to it and thought he would do it again this year, but to her disappointment, he didn't.

"Jerk," she muttered, pouting. She stared at her front door, still hoping it would fly open at any moment to reveal her dear friend, smiling at her with his usual playful grin.

Balling her fists after a few more minutes, she bolted upright from her seat and marched towards the door. I don't care, she thought furiously. It doesn't matter if he comes to visit to greet me a Happy Valentine's Day and present me a gift or not. It's not like we're dating or something.

Having the need to breathe some fresh air, she grabbed the front door open, revealing a familiar figure. Her eyes rounded as well as the person on the door step. He wore ripped jeans, a denim jacket over his light peach hoodie, and a backpack. Slowly, he sheepishly smiled and effortlessly waved a hand.

"Hey," he spoke, awkwardly chucking. "Noona."

It was BamBam. The boy who's been treating her like an invisible air for the past seven days.

Glaring at him, she slammed the door shut straight at his face.

BamBam knocked again at the door, shouting apologies and protests to let him in so he could explain. Lisa flared as she hesitantly opened the door again.

"Why are you here?" she asked, colder than she planned. "Do you even know me? You might want to run along before some stranger, which is me, murders you."

"I─ I'm sorry, alright?" he apologized with his head low. "I have my own reasons of why I ignored you."

"I'm glad you admitt the fact that you did ignore me and treated me like some invisible air." she hissed. "Never even bothering to greet me once or try to acknowledge my presence throughout the whole week. Was acknowledging my existence much of a waste of your precious time?"

She was mad alright. It was pretty obvious.

"I'm really sorry." BamBam pleaded. "I promise not to do it again."

She eyed him suspiciously. And eventually, a smile crept up her face. Plunging at BamBam, she gave him a huge hug and lightly hitting him in the shoulder.

"How could you?" she groaned. "I thought you were getting tired of spending time with me. You made me worry."

"Don't worry," he smiled at her genuinely. "I will never ever get tired of you..."

Her heart fluttered and she blushed a little. But what he said next just crushed her hopes into pieces.

"...noona. You're my one and only best friend."

Forcing out a weak smile, she pulled away from him and stepped away. "Let's go in then." she gestured him to go in before closing the door behind her.

Only the two of them were in the house. Lisa's parents went out for a date while her siblings is either with their lovers or friends.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Lisa suggested, not knowing any other things they could possibly do.

"Well..." BamBam scratched his head. "You see, I just dropped by for a short while to apologize. My parents need me back home."

"Oh." Lisa was disappointed, you could hear it clearly from her voice.

BamBam felt sorry again, "But before I could go, can I use the bathroom for a sec?"

Lisa nodded and BamBam proceeded on with his backpack lightly dangling behind him. Once the bathroom door closed shut, Lisa let out a heavy sigh and plopped down the couch.

Seven straight days, they never talked. And only today when they could actually catch up in things they missed but seems, he had to leave.

Few mimutes later, the sound of a flush could be heard from the hallway before BamBam finally reappeared to Lisa. He grinned genuinely, "I've gotta go." He informed and she simply nodded. "I'll see you again soon. Bye, noona."

He exited through the front door and once again, Lisa was alone in the house. Closing her eyes, she sighed one more time in disappointment.

He didn't give me any chocolates...

Then almost an hour later, Lisa received a message on her phone. Quickly, she began reading it only to realize the sender was BamBam.

lisa noona i think i dropped my earphones back in ur bathroom. could u pls look 4 it n lemme know quick?¿

if u find it could u keep it today n give it 2me tmr?

im very sad rn without my earphones TT u know i can't live without them and music ryt?

Lisa giggled before shoving her phone in her pocket and headed to the bathroom. Opening the door, she instantly saw a huge scarlet paper bag placed on the floor.

Walking up to it, she picked it up and opened the tiny folded paper attached to the rope handle of the paper bag.

To: Lalisa Noona
From: Your Dearest & Handsone Best Friend, Kunpimook Bhuwakul

Happy Valentine's Day!

They were written on it. A huge smile formed on Lisa's lips. So he lied about losing his earphones in the bathroom only for her to discover his Valentine gift for her. How sweet.

Curious of what's inside it, Lisa opened the paper bag and peeked inside. The bag contained a cute small, but not too small teddy bear, ferrero chocolates and a Polaroid picture of him, smiling and posing a tiny heart with his fingers.

Lisa was certainly touched. She smiled from ear to ear, delighted of her best friend's thoughtful present.

Little did she know, that would be the last present she'll ever receive from him.

a/n: it's the evening of Feb 14th here and I just updated this valentine's special chapter. I am so late.

anyways, happy valentine's day ppl.

do u have a date?

cuz I do

it's my oppa's pic on my phone

and my refrigerator

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