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"Hey," the blonde girl nudged BamBam. "Do you think I'd fit a bob cut? Should I cut my hair short and dye it back to dark brown?"

BamBam scrunitized her, narrowing his eyes as he stared at her chubby face. "I guess so," he replied. "But what makes you want to cut your hair short?"

She smiled sheepishly, "Joy..." she muttered. "She had her hair cut into a bob to play the main role for her upcoming drama. It looked absolutely adorable on her!" she fangirled. "I was influenced."

BamBam raised an eyebrow, "You mean Joy as Red Velvet's Joy?"

"Yes!" she squealed. "Isn't she cute with bob cut? And I'm seriously anticipating her drama. I can't wait to watch it. And Lee Hyun Woo is gonna be the male lead. Have I mentioned this before, Lee Hyun Woo is one of my ideal types? What a coincidence!"

BamBam shook his head. She's in a fangirl mode again.

"Tune your volume down, Jimin."

The said girl simply sashayed her blonde hair when, as if in cue, their drinks arrived. Squealing in delight as she grabbed her drink and took a sip, her eyes scanned the café for a seat when her eyes landed on two indistinctly familiar pair.

"Bam..." she tugged the shirt of the boy beside her. "Is that...Blackpink's Lisa and NCT's Ten? Or is my eyes just toying with me?"

BamBam, not even sparing a glance at the two on the table simply whispered, "Yes."

"OMG, are they dating?"

"No, they're not!" BamBam denied almost instantly.

Jimin stared at him with a suspicious look. What was that? But she simply shook the thought off and suddenly linked her arms with BamBam and dragged him to a table to the other side of the cafè across Lisa and Ten. But since the store wasn't that huge, the conversations that they'll start might still be heard.

"Be quiet, don't talk and just drink your beverage." BamBam commanded in almost a whisper. "Please."

Jimin nodded reluctantly. Then she took a sip once again from her drink before grabbing her phone and started tapping on the screen quick. After, she placed her phone back on the table and casually ran her eyes around the cafè, also staring out the glass to look outside.

And once Jimin placed her phone down, a faint bell rang, indicating that someone had sent a text on BamBam's phone. Unlocking his device, BamBam tapped to look who had sent a message and what it contained.

since u told me not 2 speak i guess txting is ok ryt?

[a/n: gosh i suck at making up names. pray for me to have a better creative mind.]

BamBam looked up to Jimin who was still staring out the glass and overlooking the citizens that would walk by the street. Shaking his head, he began texting back.

i suppose. txting is aight

Feeling and hearing the vibration of her phone, Jimin immedietely seized her phone without even sparing a glance at her friend up front.

ok i have a question. wat r they doin here?


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