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OMG! This book finally reached 1k! Thank you so much!

And bcs of that, I finally updated!

Sorry for the wait...



She's mad. She's mad. BamBam kept repeating the words in his head. She's faking that smile. She's mad.

"Oh, sorry." she suddenly apologized. Bambam lifted his head up to see a bitter smile forming in her lips. "I must have upsetted you for calling you informally." then, she bowed. "What I meant to say was─ we see each other again, BamBam sunbaenim."

"Y-you're not mad?" What Bambam cared for now was what's Lisa's reaction after seeing each other again after all these long years. He didn't even notice the strange things Lisa kept blubbering about.

"Why would I be mad?" Lisa let out a bitter chuckle. "It's not like you did something wrong, did you?"

He did do something wrong. He left Lisa without a word or even saying goodbye. He just suddenly disappeared one day, leaving Lisa wondering and worrying about him.

Seeming to notice the awkward silence that she created, Lisa cleared her throat and straightened her back before setting her eyes back on Bambam's. She bended her body slightly downward, letting some strands of her blonde hair fall down.

"I'll be going then, sunbaenim." she stated in a soft voice.

"Why are you calling me sunbae?" Bambam did not hesitate to ask that question. The words just blurted out of his mouth.

"Isn't that obvious?" she questioned, sarcastically. "It's because you're a sunbae. Bambam sunbaenim is a senior and I'm a sophomore, according to when we debuted even though I'm older than you for a month."

"Yeah, I know." Bambam acceded. "But...nevermind."

Lisa stared at Bambam, innocently. "You've changed." she muttered, immediately catching his attention.


"I mean, you're appearance changed and became more mature since I last saw you." she corrected, hurriedly. "Don't you remember? When I was still a trainee and you're group just debuted, we met at JYP building when some YG trainees visited."

"Really?" Bambam sounded shocked. There was no memory of him and Lisa meeting at JYP entertainment or anywhere in Korea.

"Yeah. You don't remember?" she sounded disappointed for some reason.

"I-is that why you were saying, 'it's been long'?" the words Lisa spoke of earlier came running in his mind again.

"Yeah," she nodded. "But it's okay if you don't remember me. It's not a big deal anyways. And we just exchanged greetings back then, not like we had a conversation or anything. Sunbaenim and I isn't even close."

Ouch. That hurt.

"Then, I'll get going then, sunbaenim." she bowed once again before turning and walking away.

Bambam stood frozen still as he watched his once childhood friend increase the gap between them. They were seperating again. This time, it's her leaving.

As for Lisa, the smile that she had plastered on her face when facing BamBam, eventually started fading away, an unreadable expression replacing it. How dare that jerky bastard show up in front of me again?

She half lied about encountering BamBam when she was still a YG trainee. She did go to JYP Entertainment and saw him, but they never exchanged greetings. That time, Lisa kept quiet in the back of the group of YG trainees, experiencing the familiar pain as she silently watched BamBam and his group practice.

She sure isn't showing it, but inside, she's actually mad. Furious of BamBam that left her without even taking any of his precious time to at least say goodbye to her. Left her waiting for him as she weeped silently and secretly.

Back to BamBam, his mind was a mess. He practically couldn't think straight.

"Of course I'll never forget you."

Lisa had promised him that. But by how she had acted earlier, it's like she didn't know him, as her once childhood friend. BamBam felt disappointed of her even though his decision and actions before was worse, leaving her hanging.

Lisa had broken her own sole promise.

"Why didn't you wait for me?" Jackson whines as he finally reaches BamBam who still stood on the same spot, not moving an inch.

Getting no response, Jackson waves his big hand in front of BamBam's face before poking him in the cheeks and sides. "Yah." he calls in a stern voice. "Earth to BamBam?!"

Still, no response. The distressed latter was still staring in the distance, the direction of where Lisa had disappeared. He wasn't blinking which resulted his eyes to start getting itchy and then teary, a single warm teardrop suddenly rolling down his puffed pink cheeks.

"Yah, why are you crying?" the deep voice finally snaps BamBam from his despondent reverie. "What's wrong with you, Bam? Are you really having that much of a bad day?"

"She forgot about me..." he silently cried under his breath. "She broke her promise..."

It wasn't entirely Lisa's fault. He mainly was to blame. But he couldn't help it. The depression was consuming his conscience. The heavy feeling in his chest was probably similar to what Lisa experienced before, but hers could have been worse.

BamBam felt guilty for partly blaming or getting mad at Lisa right now. Yet, one side of him was commenting negative thoughts about the girl while the other half is censuring himself for his regretful action in the past.

BamBam was being unfair.

"What?" Jackson didn't quite hear him right. He was speaking so soft yet you could picture glass breaking as he muttered the abhorred words. Jackson didn't like it at all. The look on BamBam's face was unbearable that it pained him also, as if he too, was feeling the agonizing misery.

"Hey." Jackson lands a hand on BamBam's shoulder, who had lowered his head. "Don't cry. You look ugly."

Jackson wanted to lift the deplorable tension but to no avail. BamBam acted as if Jackson wasn't there. He felt lonely and for once, after all these years, he regretted leaving Lisa, the only girl that he ever loved.

She vowed to herself never to cry again over that despicable guy, ever since seven years ago. And she did her best to keep that promise.

She isn't crying. Nor will she ever will.

"Lisa-ah!" the familiar voice called out. The said girl tilted her head to the source of the voice to find her comrade that she parted ways earlier to explore the neighborhood.

"Jisoo unnie." she gently grins, all worries hidden behind that smile like stars in a light-poluted night sky.

"Let's go." Jisoo gestures Lisa to come. "Jennie and Rosè are waiting."

The damsel simply nods her head before tagging along with her respected unnie. Taking one last look behind her back, the fading silhouette of her long lost friend slowly goes out of sight.

I guess, I'll see you again soon. Inhaling a great amount of air, the tips of her full lips tugged up into a faint smirk. I'll make sure that you'll experience the same way I felt when you left me, Kunpimook Bhuwakul.

Here's the update! I'll try to update as soon as I can.

I still have school, tons of homework and tests/quizes since report cards are coming soon! But I'll still try! ;)

Oh, what to do? Lisa is getting revenge! Will she success?

BamBam thinks Lisa forgot about him! Don't be depressed, Bammie!

Okay, I sound cringy!

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