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She felt her heart flutter ─ suddenly becoming warm and soft. Yet, that soon disappeared. No. She will not waver. He had broken her heart and pained her greatly, she won't forgive him even if he begs desperately.

The petite young girl soon stood up from her seat, lightly slamming her hands on the table, creating a faint thud. She lowered her hat and wore her mask back on once again, to cover her identity.

She had been coming to this shop often during her trainee days. But seldomly, now that she debuted. So, since today is a break for their group, she decided come here again, alone.

But unfortunately, her peaceful moment just had to be ruined by just hearing that familiar voice. And she instantly knew who it is. It's that bastard, of course.

She walked slowly, trying to not get any attention. But of course, that's impossible when you're wearing such mysterious clothes, which covered almost your whole body, including your face.

Black hat, black mask, black hoodie and dark sweatpants. Practically all dark black. Ha. Way to get unnoticed.


Dammit. She shut her eyes closed, heavily inhaling air before hesitantly turning around to face the source of the voice. She forged a smile, ever so counterfeited.

"Yes?" she simply ask, gritting her teeth.

The two males slowly approached her, and by every step they made, sh felt her heart pound even louder and quicker. How antsy she is being.

"Lisa," he spoke her name again.

She did not like it though. His voice was soft and deep, but it did not feel right for her. Hearing her name escape his mouth felt rather...repulsive.

For her, that is.

"BamBam sunbaenim," she bowed at the shorter male. Then, switched her gaze at the taller man beside him. "Yugyeom sunbaenim, fancy meeting you here." She bowed to the younger man too.

"Hello, noona." The maknae returned the same action representing respect.

She sheepishly smiled, fidegeting with her fingers as the awkward silence remained in the air. Finally, breaking the frozen cold atmosphere, Lisa decided to end it right there.

"I should go now," she shyly squeaked. "I have something else to do."

"Oh, ah-yes," Yugyeom hesitantly answered when BamBam, beside him did not speak up. "Sorry for keeping you, noona."

"T-that's okay..." she quietly muttered, cracking up a weak smile. "Then...I'll be going, sunbaenims." she bowed once again and took a quick glance at BamBam who was too, staring back at her.

Blinking her eyes twice, Lisa flashed another grin before rotating around and parading away. And as soon as they couldn't see her face anymore, the happy expression displayed on her face quickly faded away.

"Hyung." Yugyeom waved a hand in front of BamBam's face. "BamBam-ah."

The dazed latter stared longingly at the distance, not minding anyone, especially Yugyeom. He sighed, a deep long sigh. Oh, how he regretted it.

Balling his fists, he marched out of the shop, leaving his younger member scampering after him. Once he stepped a foot outside, he glanced to both sides, his eyes searching for the girl.

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