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Jennie entered her room, slumping down her bed. She rolled around, her arms spread out. Jisoo looked over her with a raised eyebrow, "What's wrong?"

"Lisa just came back." Jennie breathed out. "She seems...down. She didn't even notice me greet her when she entered te dorm. She simply headed to her room."

"She might be just exhausted," Jisoo shrugged. "Let her rest for now. We'll talk to her later."

Jennie simply nodded with an 'okay' before closing her eyes. A minute later, a noise erupted in the room. Jennie perked one eye up, watching Jisoo as she picked up her phone and answered the call.

"Rosè?" she said. "What's up? Are you done with practice?"

Rosè had left the dorm a few hours ago for a rehearsal for a collaboration with Twice Jihyo, EXO Chanyeol and 10cm. The older member's were the only one's left in the dorm.

"I've got news." Rosè squealed from the other side of the line. She sounded frantic. "I found out who was the cute guy that picked Lisa up earlier."

"Really?" Jisoo pressed the speaker on for Jennie to hear as well. "Who was it?"

"I knew he looked really familiar because I saw him in TV before." she stated and the other two came into a conclusion that he must be a celebrity. "You know I'm at SM Entertainment for rehearsals right? I passed by him earlier in the hallways."

"Spill it out already," Jennie said impatiently. "Who is it?"

"NCT's Ten. The Thailand member."

Lisa entered her older member's room, a worried look etched across her face. Jennie and Jisoo looked up, eyes scrutinizing Lisa's expression. The call with Rosè had ended a few minutes ago and they still can't believe that NCT's Ten and Lisa were actually close.

"Unnie, have you seen my bracelet anywhere?" she asked. "It's not in my room where I usually put it."

"No, I didn't see it." both girl's shook their heads. "Is it missing? Did you already search your room thoroughly? Could it be under your bed?"

"I already searched everywhere." disappointment was evident in Lisa's tone as she spoke. "But I can't find it anywhere. What should I do?"

Her member's perfectly knew that this accessory of hers is very important to Lisa. She's been wearing it since they first met her. Lisa even had a box where she puts and locks it in whenever they have performances or practices in case she lost it. That box also contains a few photographs of her childhood, as what her member's witnessed before.

"We'll help you look for it," Jennie offered with a genuine smile. "Don't worry. We'll find it soon. Do you remember when you last had it?"

"I..." Lisa thought for a moment. She couldn't recall when she last saw it. Not at all. "I don't know. I can't remember...oh no, what if I can never find it again?"

"Calm down, Lisa." Jisoo assured. "We will find it. Just calm down first."

Lisa nodded. She tends to freak out a little when she's worried. And after all, what she lost is something very valuable. It's the only thing that reminds her of her past. The only thing that reminds her that she loved her childhood friend.

In the end, they couldn't find it anywhere in the dorm. They searched every room and corner. But nothing.

It's already been a week though. The street dancel performance was already done as well as Rosè singing performance with other idols.

For a night, Lisa cried out of disappointment and depression of not finding her precious bracelet. Her unnies had no idea what to do but comfort her.

"I received another envelope for our maknae." Jisoo waved the folded white paper in the air. "Is Lisa still resting in her room?"

Jennie and Rosè nodded. The eldest member proceeded in the maknae's room, carefully opening the door as she peeked inside only to find Lisa's petite body resting on her bed.

"Nalla-Lisa?" Jisoo entered the room, closing the door behind her. "There's another letter for you."

Lisa didn't move an inch and kept silent. She was wide awake but chose to pretend that she's asleep. Jisoo sighed and placed the white envelope on Lisa's desk. After that, she exited the room, leaving the resting girl alone once again.

Once Lisa was certain that Jisoo was gone, she quickly scampered out of bed and headed to her desk, spotting the white envelope and rashly picking it up. She unfolded the envelope, taking the actual letter inside it.

Dear Lalisa,

     Can I ask you for an advice? You see, I have this girl from my childhood. We were actually best friends, but that was from a long time ago ─ years ago in fact. We both made a promise to each other to achieve our dreams together and continue to become the best of friends. It was me who started the promise, but I was also the one who broke it. Pathetic, isn't it?

Anyways, I left her. Without even saying a proper farewell. I guess you're angered by this, aren't you? I was a coward and a jerk, I know that very well. But you see, I seriously regret it. I regret leaving. I regret breaking our promise. I regret everything. I am very sorry of everything.

But then, just recently, I met her again. She didn't seem to recognize me though. I thought she must have forgotten all about me. But she didn't. She just pretended to. I was hurt when I heard her harsh words. Though I know I totally deserve it.

I believe she detests me. Her eyes shows no evident emotions, as if nothing ever happened to us before when I first tried talking to her about it. Once, I saw a flash of anger and hatred across her face and eyes that glared at me. When she speaks, her voice sounds cold and grim and I feel so guilty. I feel so guilty, I wanna beat myself up. If only I could travel back on time.

I'd like to hear your opinion. What would you do if you were in my shoes? Or rather, what will you do when you're the girl that I left and betrayed? Will you ever forgive me or punish me by drowning myself in guilt and regret?


P.S - I'd love to hear your reply...

Lisa was frowning. Slowly, she folded the letter and placed it back in the envelope. Then, she flipped the white envelope and found the address of the mysterious sender in the back. Grabbing a piece of paper and pen, she started writing her reply to K.B.

a/n: this is such a late update. im sorry i was super busy with school and other stuff. and thank u for the 22k reads.

btw, pls check out my new fanfics that i published in my other account; omayah_
• flirt - kim taehyung
• chain - min yoongi

i'd really appreciate it if u guys check it out. thank u!

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