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There he was, warily staring at the cream envelope placed on the table. He eyed the folded paper suspiciously, contemplating whether to open and read it or not.

It was a letter, addressed to him. From Lisa.

Gnawing onto his lower lip, he bolted upright from his seat. He grabbed onto his hair and grunted in frustration.

What should I do? He thought, panicked. I'm nervous. What if she found out who I was, sending those lame fan letters I wrote?

Turning around, he headed towards the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water, gulping it down in one shot.

He was very aware that Lisa was an ignorant and oblivious girl. So he thought it would be safe to put his initials in the letter. But what if she found out already? But maybe, this letter was only a reply from the recent letter he wrote, asking for an advice.

That must be it, BamBam claimed. It's just a reply. Stop freaking out, Bam.

He took a deep breath and returned to the living room, only to find Jackson hovering on the table.

"Hyung!" BamBam yelled, alerted as he sprinted towards the chinese member.

Jackson looked up, with the letter in his hands. The cream envelope was open, a piece of paper with a bunch of writings written on it. He was reading it.

"Exchanging letters are old stuff,"

He said. "And the sender of this letter seems to be quite dissing you somehow."

Irked, BamBam snatched the paper away from Jackson amd glared at him furiously. "Why did you open it?! This is private, you should know that, Jackson Hyung."

Jackson stared at him emotionlessly. Though in fact, inside, he was surprised by BamBam's sudden outburst. It was very rare to see him act like this.

Loudly sighing in frustration, BamBam shook his head and marched away from Jackson, heading to his room. Once he reached his room, he slammed the door shut and plopped himself down his bed.

After a few seconds, he rolled over and grabbed the letter. The paper has been crumpled and had small tores in the sides because of how harshly BamBam grabbed it from Jackson and how hard his grip was on it.

He sighed one last time, blinking his eyes twice before he began scanning the words on the letter.

Dear K.B,

From my observation, I'm guessing you're a male. First of all, thank you for supporting my group and I hope you will continue to do so in the future.

Second of all, I appreciate you acknowledging and admitting that you're a jerk. Just how could you? How could you leave you're best friend without saying a proper goodbye??? I am disappointed in you, K.B-ssi.

You asked what you should do to fix problem you created between you two? Well, I don't know. Forgive me but I have no idea. Figure it out yourself. Use your instincts and do it you own way.

You also asked if what would I do if I were in your friend's shoes? I would probably done the same thing as your best friend did. Act like I never knew you. Act like everything is okay when it isn't. I would despise you for breaking our promise and leaving me like I meant nothing in your life.

I would never forgive you.

Didn't you think about her feelings? Didn't you think she'll be hurt? You made her feel like trash. You made her think she was nothing in your life for not even saying anything of why you left.

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