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"They were so comfortable with each other," Yugyeom said, a bit of frustration evident in his face. "They kept on giggling during breaks and honestly, it kinda annoyed me."

"I know," Jinyoung agreed, nodding his head in alliance. "But they looked adorable. The other's were teasing them. Even called them a lovey dovey couple."

Yugyeom glared at his hyung and gave him a light push on the shoulder. "Shut up, hyung." he hissed. "They might hear you."

Yugyeom and Jinyoung just got back to their dorm from practice for their dance performance with the other idols. And the first thing they talked about was the unusual pair from their practice.

"What are you two talking about?" Youngjae, who suddenly popped out of nowhere asked. "Who are the lovey dovey couple?"

"Go away." both Yugyeom and Jinyoung stated simultaneously.

"Hey!" Youngjae said, sounding offended. "Don't be such a secretive person. Come on, spill it out. I won't tell anyone."

The two eyed Youngjae suspiciously who maintained a firm and nonchalant look on his face. Finally, both sighed and decided to tell him at last.

"So who are the lovey dovey couple you guys are talking about?" Youngjae repeated again, the corners of his lips tugging up into a sly smile.

"Those two thailand people." Yugyeom spurted out, annoyance still clearly visible on his facade. From how the other two heard him, they thought he sounded racist.

"Bambam and Lisa?!" Youngjae covered his mouth with his hands in shock. The other two stared at him skeptically.

"Idiot." Jinyoung lightly hit him in the head. "Why would you think it's BamBam and Lisa?"

"Well, first of all, they're the first two thai people that came to my mind." Youngjae reasoned out. "And aren't they childhood friends. I heard fan's are already shipping those two."

Oh yeah, Youngjae doesn't know about the issue between those two childhood friends. Only BamBam himself and Yugyeom who told Jinyoung about it on their way back to their dorm from practice.

"You're answer is not quite correct," Jinyoung informed him. "Lisa dongsaeng as one of your suspicions is right. But BamBam, no."

"Then who?"

"Lisa noona and Ten hyung." Yugyeom instantly retorted bluntly.

Before Youngjae could even react, an emphatic noise erupted from behind, grabbing the gossiping trios' attention. The three spun their heads around to the source only to find BamBam staring in trance at the floor that has been covered with broken glass and water, in which the other's presumed the crashing noise came from.

Immediately, Yugyeom initially scampered at the mentally unconscious male, followed by Youngjae and Jinyoung. BamBam stared unblinking at the floor, his body straightened.

"BamBam, are you okay?" Youngjae asked, concern displayed over his exterior. "Are you hurt?"

Obtaining not a single response, Youngjae simply sighed and headed off to their kitchen which they stored their broom to clean up the mess. As for the giant maknae, he clenched his fists into a ball, regret and guilt forming in the pit of his stomach. He shouldn't have told Jinyoung or Youngjae. Yugyeom was sure BamBam heard it.

And sure did he. BamBam heard it all.

"I'm sorry," Yugyeom barely managed to whisper. "I'm really sorry."

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