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BamBam nervously fiddled with his fingers, his eyes sharp for the particular person he's been waiting for. Drinking another glass of water ─ due to his dry throath and well, nervousness ─ the young lad glanced at his wristwatch to check the time.

She's late, he thought. Where is she?

Glancing around the shop ─ only to find himself alone and some workers ─ the boy hesitantly stood up from his seat and headed to the restroom. He drank too much water and he needed to release them all.

And as for the anticipated girl he's been waiting for ─ she just arrived just as BamBam left for the restroom. Finding the coffee shop empty with customers, the short haired girl first ordered her drink before heading to a table.

It didn't take long till BamBam finished his business in the restroom. Rinsing his hands and drying them off, he exited the room and made his way back to his table when suddenly;

"Oh? K.B?"

Instantly snapping his head towards the direction of the voice, he found a familiar petite figure, sitting on the table he just passed by. His eyes widened ever so slightly as he muttered her name.


The called girl stood up from her seat and beamed at BamBam as she twirled swiftly to him. "Surprised?" she asked, pointing at her new hairstyle.

BamBam nodded, "Woah, you look different." he commented, ruffling her hair. "Your hair is so short. You really did imitate Joy's hairstyle. Hehe, Pretty Jiminie."

Jimin playfully slapped BamBam's hand and grinned, her cheeks tinted with the lightest hue of pink. "Ew...you're gross."

BamBam chuckled as they sat down, "Anyways, why call me K.B?" he asked.

Jimin sipped onto her drink, "Well, it is your initials and I just wanted to know how you'd react since that's what Lisa calls you, right? Why? Am I not allowed to call you that?"

"Yes, that's right." BamBam stated. "You are not allowed to call me K.B. I forbid you to. Lisa is the only one allowed to call me K.B."

Jimin made a disgusted face, "EW...YOU'RE SO CRINGY!"

The following day was the long awaited day for both BamBam and Lisa. Feeling more anxious than ever, BamBam paced back and forth around the deserted playground, which was the place they decided to meet up on.

Just then, the nervous lad's phone vibrated.

k.b, r u alredy der?


oh i think i'll be a little late

it's traffic

is dat so? its okay i can wait

im sorry

no need to be sorry.

btw, im wearing brown long sleeves and black jeans

and im the only one here in the park

so you'll easily spot me


then i'll meet u der

im near

alright see ya

be safe

Sitting onto a swing, BamBam let himself be gently carried by the momentum. He closed his eyes, waiting.

Minutes later, distant footsteps could be heard from behind. BamBam stiffened. She's here.


He could feel her. He could feel her standing right behind him. He could feel her eyes digging into him.

BamBam stood up and turned around only to face the girl he's been anticipating. At the sight of BamBam, Lisa's eyes widened. Unconciously, she took a trembling step back.

"BamBam?" she squeaked, her brows furrowed with confusion. "W-what are you doing here?"

The young man initiated a step closer which Lisa returned with another step back.

"Lalisa..." he whispered.

"Why are you here?" Lisa questioned. "I'm suppose to meet K.B right here. He said he's the only one here but why are you here, BamBam?"

"Lisa..." BamBam repeated her name again.  Lisa eyed him, scrutinizing his outfit. BamBam wore the same clothes K.B was suppose to be wearing.

It must be a coincidence, Lisa thought, afraid. It's not him...right?

"I am K.B, Lisa."

She retreated another step, the expression on her face a mixture of confusion, shock, anger and doubt.


a/n: finally they meet! r u happy? hehe. it's a short chapter, i know. i was rushing and couldn't wait to update tbh. ㅋㅋㅋ

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