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There was an undeniably awkward steady silence, neither of the two uttering out a single sound. Only the faint chatters from the other side of the doors in the hallways could be heard. The boy had his eyes set at the girl, unblinking. Yet the damsel avoided his gaze and instead stared at the ground.

BamBam took a deep breath, "I'll get to the point─ you probably don't like discussing about this matter. But could you please listen? Will you give me a minute to talk? You don't have to say anything. Just listen." BamBam smiled. Bitterly. "That would be more than enough for me."

Lisa hid her hands behind her and clenched her fists into a form of a ball. Hesitating, she eventually nodded. "A minute." she said sternly. "Only one minute and this conversation is over."

BamBam's lips tugged up even more. "Do you remember when we promised each other that we'll both become trainees and debut together? I started that promise, didn't I? And I was the one who broke it too. Deceitful, isn't it?" he faintly chuckled to himself. "I didn't get the chance to apologize for not keeping that covenant of mine. And as much as I want to say sorry right now, I can't. I can't because now is not the right time. Perhaps soon. I don't want to take the risk in asking for your forgiveness at the moment. Though I'm not really desperate for your pardon. I just want to apologize, that's it. You don't have and won't need to forgive me. We don't have to go back like the old times. We don't need to be bestfriends again. You won't suffer again because I commited such a great sin. If it were me in your place, I probably, will never find the heart to forgive me. I won't say sorry until I'm certain that it's the right time. Can you do me a favor? Can you wait patiently until those words escape my mouth? And when I do, you won't have the need to reply. If fortunate, you'll be satisfied with my 'sorry'. I'll then leave, you'll leave. We'll act like nothing ever happened between us before. But we'll know each other as seniors and juniors in entertainment. And that's it. We'll go back to normal, like these past seven years. Only with the difference that we never knew each other from childhood."

Lisa looked up. Her eyes showed nothingness. No emotions were visible in her facade. And for that reason, BamBam felt a tinge of disappointment. He expected her to at least show sadness. To at least feel moved by his sincere words. But no. She felt nothing.

"Times up." she uttered, her voice cold and grim. "I'll get going then."

Turning around her heels, she proceeded down the hallway and entered the woman's comfort room. As for BamBam, he solely watched her silently. His face twisted with bitterness.

I deluded myself in thinking that her anger towards me would cease even by just a little bit. But it did not.
Savagely, he thought to himself.

In the contrary, Lisa stared at her reflection in the confort room's mirror. She examined her features, her expression. She looked so cold. Just as how BamBam had seen her earlier, no sign of emotion could be found.

Turning on the faucet, she splashed water across her face, few strands of her hair getting wet. But she looked back up again. Stared at her reflection once more.

Face dripping wet. Her ponytail messy. Faint redness slowly appearing in her eyes. The water felt cold on her face. She watched for a minute as the droplets fell on the counter.

Lisa stiffled a sniff before letting out a shaky breath. She wiped her face with her hand and blinked a few times. She wasn't so sure if all the liquid on her visage was purely water that came out of the faucet or water mixed with her tears.

"I can't be crying, right?" she asked herself in a whisper doubtedly. "I can't be."

Shaking her head, she grabbed some tissue paper to dry herself up. Retied her hair up and got herself composed.

He said she doesn't need to forgive him. He said she only has to hear his sorry and won't need to reply. Then after that, they'll seperate ways once more and act like strangers. Lisa gripped her hand as she walked down the hallway.

No, she thought. I don't want that...I already tried hard enough to pretend okay when I see you when I'm not. Tried very hard to pretend like I didn't know who you were. You can't tell me to do that again. How dare you.

Finally, she arrived back at the practice room. Ten instantly approached her once he saw her enter. Lisa though, scanned the whole room, ignoring Ten. BamBam was nowhere. She wasn't in the room.

Did he leave? Lisa asked herself mentally.

And literally, he did. After the talk between Lisa and BamBam, he simply strolled out of the building, heading back home. Only leaving a text to Jinyoung and Yugyeom informing that he left already and that he'll see them back in the dorms.

He left, Lisa sighed. Again.

A/N: first of all, i want to thank you ppl for the 1k votes. omg, srsly, thank u so much. I appreciate u guys taling your time to vote, comment and read. Really. Kamsahamnida👏

anyways, sorry for the short chapter. this is probably the shortest chapter ive updated in this book, excluding the .5s (5.5)

is this book getting boring? cuz i feel like it is.

ignore this if u want but who here is filipino?

filipino ako. pero nakatira ako sa canada. magparinig nmn kau sa akin😂 lmao. jk.jk.jk.

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