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BamBam sighed, balling both of his fists. "I'm K.B. The guy who sent you letters and the guy who you've been texting with for the past month."

Lisa scoffed, her eyes watering. "What the hell are you saying?! Y-you can't be K.B...you're lying."

BamBam didn't respond but instead watched the frail girl. She looked so delicate that he felt that if he lands a finger on her, she'd break.

Despite the tears forming in her eyes, Lisa was able to determine the look on BamBam's face. The look on his face told her he wasn't lying at all.

"This is unbelievable..." Lisa muttered, then she looked up and faced BamBam. "So...are you telling me that the person I thought could be t-trusted...fooled me? K.B, that person who I believed was trusthworthy is a liar?!"

Lisa was both crying and screaming.

"Why...did it have to be you?"

"I'm sorry..."

There, he said it.

Lisa glanced up, the words that escaped his mouth gave her a tingling sensation down her arms.

BamBam lowered his head to prevent Lisa from seeing his face. He felt ashamed.

"I'm sorry for fooling you. I'm sorry for deluding you into thinking that I was trusthworthy. I'm sorry for hurting you. I'm sorry that you're in pain. I'm sorry for leaving you. I'm sorry...for everything. I'm sorry. You don't have to forgive me, either if it's out of pity or because you're pressured to. I just wanted to apologize, that's all. If seeing me pains you so much, then I'll just have to try my best not to encounter you. I'll stop communicating with you or thinking of you, if that's what you want. I'll do anything...just for you. This, I promise."

Tears flowed down Lisa's eyes. She sobbed loudly as she brought her hand onto her mouth. The pained and crushed look on BamBam's face was so unbearable, she couldn't spare another glance at him.

BamBam only watched the crumbling girl infront of him. In her current state, she looked like a thin glass ─ fragile and weak.

The young man decreased the distance between them. Once he was in a range where he was able to manage to hold her, he stopped. With trembling hands, he brought his hands towards Lisa. But Lisa swatted his hands away as she glared at him.

"Don't touch me." she said sternly.

Clenching his hands, BamBam retreated them away and took a step back. Then, he whispered his last words for her;

"I'm sorry, Pranpriya..."

With that, he walked away, leaving her.

Dazed, Lisa made her way in Blackpink's dorm. Her arms were slumped in both of her sides, her cheeks tinted with dried tears. Her members weren't back yet since they all went their seperate ways going out.

Entering her room, she dropped her handbag down the floor and she headed to her desk. Sitting down, she stared at the invisble air in complete trance.

Eventually, she rested her head down only to spot a white envelope, similar to those K.B, or should I say BamBam, sent. She stiffened, her eyes quivering. Either one of her members might have placed it here this morning after she left.

Picking it up, she slowly opened it and took out the paper inside.

Dear Lalisa,

This is the last letter you'll ever receive from me. I don't even know if you're gonna read it or just throw it away in the trash. But I'll try anyways.

You must be furious and I bet you're mentally cursing at me right now. I can't blame you for that, I deserve it.

I just hope you were able to hear my apology.

And by the way, you must have been looking for it for months and I'm sorry I've only returned it now. Your bracelet, I mean.

You dropped it when you met me at the café and I've been keeping it ever since. To be honest, it made me happy. That after all these years, after all my mistakes towards you, you still kept it.

Thank you.

Kunpimook Bhuwakul


Lisa looked into the envelope and spotted the scarlet accessory. She heaved a sigh of relief at the sight of it as she grabbed and scrutinized it.

A single tear rolled down her cheeks, the tips of her lips curving upward into a smile.

"Idiot...!" she muttered. "That stupid jerk. How could he..."

Wiping her tear, she stood up from her desk, a determined look plastered on her face.

"Who said you could leave me again, Kunpimook? I'm not letting you go. Not again. Not in forever."

Then, she ran out of the dorm, headed to find BamBam and to finally forgive him.

a/n: for those who are feelin sad:

cheer up!😂 (the pics not mine. credits to the owner.) lisa's derp face is lifeu.

oh and note, this fanfic is sadly going to end soon. a few more chapters, i think.

but don't worry, im planning on making a new bamlisa fanfic. not a sequel but a new one. and it's fluff. hehe. expect cuteness.

thank you so much for reading, voting, and commenting. i appreciate y'all. you guys are such blessings to the world^^ hwaiting~

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