제20장 [last chapter]

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a/n: It's the last chpater ya'll TT. anyways, more importantly, hehe, bambam with red hair is hawt😂 but bambam with black hair is hotter👌



Mark, being the last member to wake up that morning, came yawning into the living room of their dorm only to find the rest gathered around there. Each individual in that room was busy doing their own thing ─ already hyped up.

The eldest member noticed BamBam fussing about something that must have been important because he looked absolutely anxious and eratic. Mark approached him and sat down beside him on the couch with Jackson on his other side.

"What's up?" Mark questioned BamBam who had clothes piled up all around the male ─ must have been deciding for an outfit to wear.

"The sky."

Mark turned his head towards Jackson who wore an extremely serious façade ─ a look totally different from what Mark expected because of his response which he thought was another joke of Jackson in his usual eccentric attidude.

"It's not funny." Jinyoung commented, hearing their discourse.

"No one cares," Jackson responded, his serious gaze meeting Jinyoung eyes which seemed to be glaring at him right now. "Okay, I'm sorry."

Shaking his head, Mark turned his attention back to BamBam and hung his arm around the second maknae.

"Are you perhaps..." Mark paused and smirked at BamBam. "...going out on a date?"

Mark's suspicion made BamBam's cheeks flush a faded light shade of pink as he stared up at his older member in reticence. Hesitantly, he nodded silently as a sign of affirmation towards Mark's question.

"Oh, I see, I see." Mark whistled as the other members joined him. "So are you looking for an outfit for your date with ms. right?"


"Wear something casual, Bam." Jinyoung suggested in a boring tone. "Just like what you usually wear. Be yourself. Be the fashionista BamBam."

"I know that but," BamBam grunted in frustration. " I can't choose between these pile of clothes. And besides, this is our...f-first date. I want it to be memorable and special."

"Aww." the members chorused altogether. "You're such a sweet boyfriend, BamBam. It makes my heart flutter."

"S-stop it." BamBam blushed and covered his heating face with both of his hands. "It's embarrassing..."

The members chuckled at his cute action and began crowding around his pile of clothes laid out in front of him, picking one and scrutinizing it. After a long time of trying each outfit possible, in the end, BamBam ended up wearing something so simple compared to the ones he tried out.

Youngjae placed his hand onto BamBam's shoulder and gripped it tightly as a gesture of support and reassurance. "Good luck, my friend." he said, encouragingly. "I hope you triumph in winning over her precious heart and strengthening the bond between you two lovely couple. Hwaiting!"

BamBam rolled his eyes at Youngjae sarcastically but still, he grinned and thanked him for the declaration of good luck upon him. Chuckling, the other members also patted and bid him serendipity.

"I'll get going now." he waved at his friends before closing the dorm's door and proceeded to the place him and his beloved planned to meet.

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