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With her lips landing onto his, BamBam widens his eyes in surprise. Her lips felt extremely soft against his, and it felt surprisingly good.

"I missed you."

Lisa whispers once she pulls back and intently stares into his eyes. She gently smiled, causing BamBam's heart ─ which was aready beating so fast, in fact, too fast ─ to flutter.

"I'm sorry," Lisa began. "I hate to admit it but, all this time I've been lying to myself. As oblivious as I am, I didn't realize until now that I've forgiven you already. To be honest, I've already did a long time ago. But because I was driven by desperate longing of your presence once again, I made myself believe that I despised you. But I don't. In fact Kunpimook, I love you."

BamBam's heart beat accelerated. His eyes widened in disbelief as he continually gaped at Lisa.

"W-what?" he stammered, his cheeks being tinted with pink hue.

Lisa grinned.

"I love you, Kunpimook Bhuwakul. I always have."

BamBam couldn't help himself but burst with ecstasy. The tips of his lips unconsciously curved upward into a huge smile.

He laughed, which aroused confusion in Lisa. BamBam was beaming with extreme beatitude as he chuckled in complete euphoria.

Gazing up, BamBam stopped and stood up, reached both of his hands out towards Lisa's cheek, his palms landing on it. Leaning closer to the young girl, he silently planted a quick but sincere peck on her lips.

"I love you too, Lisa noona."

Lisa broke into a wide grin, her red tinted chubby cheeks lifting upwards as her eyes curved into a charming eye smile. And before she knew it, tears were beginning to glisten in her eyes. Warm tears of joy rolled down her cheeks as she giggled ever so softly.

BamBam tittered at Lisa's current state as he wiped her tears away. He felt lighter, the burden he's been carrying for years finally lifted. And same goes for Lalisa.

The boy extended his arms out and pulled Lisa into a tight but comfortable embrace.

"Don't ever...leave again." Lisa whispered into his ear with her chin resting on his shoulder. "Even if you do, I won't let you."

"Don't worry," BamBam assured. "I won't leave ever again. I swear to god, I won't. I can't bear to repeat the same mistake again. Letting go of such a beautiful lady. Which retard would do that?"

Lisa giggled, "You did." she said. "Before, I mean."

"Haha, true." BamBam responded. "I was such an idiot for that."

"You were."

The two was silent for a few moments, still  holding each other in their arms. But soon enough, both pulled away. BamBam, being taller than Lisa, ruffled Lisa's hair messily whilst the lassie playfully pouted at the boy.

"You're so cute." BamBam murmured.

Both individuals was relieved. Relieved that they've finally reconciled and that their conflict has been at last, broken. It felt refreshing. And now that it has ended, the relationship between the two is stronger than ever.

"See you again." Lisa waved at BamBam as she bid goodbye for the day. It was already late in the evening and BamBam had insisted to bring his old childhood friend back to her dorm.

"Hm." BamBam simply hummed as he waved back and watched the blonde girl enter her group's dorm.

Once she had disappeared from his sight, BamBam also returned back to his own group's dorms. Arriving at last after a matter of minutes' travel, the young man entered the dorm.

The other Got7 members were all gathered in the living room, either chatting, sprouting old man jokes or playing video games. When they noticed BamBam's presence, who was emitting a large amount of optimism and happiness around him, they immediately asked the reason of his contented behaviour.

"What happened to you?" Jackson sarcastically questioned, a weirded out expression written all over his face. His question was followed by other questions and statements from the others too.

"What's with you?"

"Are you high?"

"You look creepy smiling like a psycho, Bam."

"Did you drink, you punk?"

"Did something happen today for you to be like this, Kunpimook?"

BamBam vigorously nodded at the last question.

"Today...was amazing." BamBam commented in bright smiles. "Best day ever...yet. I'm just so glad we finally made up."

"We?" Yugyeom questioned. "Do you mean...Lisa noona and you?"

BamBam glanced at the giant maknae and gave a frivolous nod as an answer.

"Wait..." Jinyoung butted in, stepping forward. "Did you just say you two made up? So that means...no more conflict and grudges between you two? You're finally forgiven?"

According to the huge smile plastered on BamBam's matured face, the others instantly knew the answer. The members broke into cheers and squeals as they began to tease the thai member who continued grinning in delight. They swore, if he smiles even wider, his lips might rip.

"Good job, Bam." Mark gave a thumbs up as he patted the younger in the back. "I'm happy for you."


Jackson who suddenly appeared beside BamBam, slung his arm around the thinner boy and smirked playfully. He whistled, a sly look etched across his handsome face.

"So..." he began. "When are you two love birds getting married?"

a/n: happy mother's day!

sadly, one more chapter to go b4 this fanfic ends😭 i'll miss you guys. and i'll have a huge announcement after i publish the last chapter👌

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