Set Straight

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"Okay then Valyrian, I won't be feeding you by hand anymore, 'bout time you learned to feed yourself." Sansa said setting her dragon on the edge of the boat. "You can fly already but you need to learn to hunt on your own."

"Need some help?" Heather asked approaching them.

"Well I'm trying to get Valyrian to learn to hunt on her own." Sansa said nudging the little dragon.

"Maybe Windshear and the older dragons could help her." Heather suggested. At that moment, Storm burst out of the water with an eel in his jaws. Valyrian gave a screech and jumped onto Sansa as the older dragon landed and began to eat the eel.

"Storm get that away from her!" Sansa scolded as Valyrian screeched and buried her face in Sansa's chest. The Skrill snorted in annoyance but did what she asked by slurping up his food in one gulp before the tiny Razorwhip calmed down.

"Windshear! Give us a hand!" Heather called to her dragon. Windshear scurried over to her rider and screeched gently at the smaller dragon. "Go hunt." Heather ordered her. Windshear took off into the skies but stayed up their.

"Go on lass, follow her." Sansa said tossing Valyrian into the air. Valyrian flapped her wings to stay airborne and flew over to where Windshear was at.

Sansa and Heather watched as the two dragons hunted side by side as Storm went hunting on his own. Sweet Song flew over to Sansa with a large fish in her jaws and dropped it at her rider's feet before flying off to go hunt again. Sansa watched her smaller dragons fight each other over a fish.

Soon they'll grow bigger and stronger and they'll be able to defend me and the others. She thought with a smile.

"I still can't believe you came even though my brother is gonna be giving you a hard time."

"I've dealt with worst people than him." Sansa said casting her gaze over the ocean. "Besides if he tries to fight me I can defend myself."

"What did Magnus mean by finding your family? Are you not one of his tribesmen?" Heather asked.

"Well four years ago I woke up on the shores of his island with no memory of who I was. My dragons were inside their eggs at the time and his son found me. They took me in and I was raised as one of their own." Sansa explained. "A few weeks after they took me in, Hiccup was killed in a raid by a man who wanted my eggs. I avenged him by throwing my eggs into a fire and shoving the man into it. After that my eggs began to hatch and Storm was born. Sweet Melody hatched on my best friends birthday a year ago and then Valyrian came a few months later."

"Was the name Sansa given to you by them?" Heather asked.

"I picked it out myself. Figured that was probably my name because it was something that I first remembered." Sansa said as Valyrian landed in front of her with a small fish in her mouth and dropped it in front of the two girls. She gave a small screech and nudged her prize towards Sansa.

"Does she want you to eat it?" Heather asked recalling what Hiccup had once told her that Toothless had done.

"No she wants me to cook it for her." Sansa said making a face. "I made the mistake of giving her cooked meat once and now she prefers her food cooked. I am not cooking it Valyrian, you're a big girl now go cook it yourself or eat it raw like your brother and sister." Sansa pointed to her other two dragons who were tearing apart a small shark that Storm had caugh. Valyrian grabbed her fish and flew over to Dagur who was on the deck and dropped it on his head.

"Eww what the- oh great it had to be you!" He yelled pulling the fish off his head and tossing it to the floor. Valyrian landed and picked up the fish and nudged it towards the Viking and screeched. "Oh what do you want me to do now huh? Do I look like I speak dragon?"

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