Inked Reminders

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"Sansa can I trust you with something?" Heather asked Sansa in a hushed voice as the two girls were watching their dragons fish.

"Sure, I won't tell anyone anything I promise." Sansa said turning to face her friend.

"Okay, I really, really, really, really, need your help with something." Heather said, glancing behind her to make sure no one was listening. "Something that is a little dangerous and risky."

"I can do risky and dangerous." Sansa said with a shrug. "Is Ryker sending you out to do something very dangerous?"

"No, this is something that not even Ryker or even my own brother does not know about." Heather said glancing behind her and to both sides. Then she lowered her voice again and said, "But you can't tell anyone and you have to promise you won't be mad."

"Alright I promise." Sansa said in a low voice. "Tell me now because I'm getting impatient."

"You don't like what Ryker, Viggo and my brother are doing, do you? Hunting and selling dragons for money." Heather said making a fist.

"Of course I hate it, I'm rather glad those dragon riders are trying to stop them. Too bad we can't help them without getting into a lot of trouble." Sansa said, remembering when she first encountered the other dragon riders including the boy with the Night Fury. He reminded her of someone, who it was she couldn't tell.

"Well I am actually helping them."

"What the Thor?!"

"Shhhh!" Heather hissed, clamping a hand over Sansa's mouth. "Be quiet!"

"Sorry! You are saying that you are working besides these people?" Sansa asked, removing Heather's hand from her mouth. "How come you never told me in the first place?"

"Well for one I didn't trust you so much but I wanted to see how you reacted to having to work with the hunters." Heather explained. "And after seeing how much you loved your dragons, hate it when Ryker threatens to make food out of them and seeing how much you resent having to do these things including fighting other dragon riders, I decided I could trust you with this information and wanted to know if you'd like to work with me to help my friends and bring down these hunters from the inside."

Sansa thought about what Heather said. She was being asked to betray the organization who hired her and her dragons for just sixty pieces of gold. Heather was right though. She hated it when Ryker made her do things she hated to do threatened to kill her dragons to make them into rugs or stuffed trophies. She was glad that there were people who wanted to make the hunters fall and free all dragons. That was something she wanted to do instead of catching them and hurting the poor beasts.

"A dragon is not a slave." She said making a fist and pounded it on the wooden railing. "No dragon deserves to live like the ones we are forced to catch, the deserve to be free and happy just like ours."

"So are you in?" Heather asked, grinning.

"I'm in." Sansa said, returning the smile. "But now I need your help and your brother's help as well with something."


"You sure you wanna do this?" Dagur asked as Sansa pulled her hair up into a ponytail and twisted it into a bun.

"Yes I am sure. Can you do it?" She asked.

"I can but can you handle the pain?" Dagur asked, sharpening a tool and grabbing a pot of red ink Heather had made earlier.

"Just do it."

"Again, why a tattoo?" Heather asked as her brother dipped the sharp needle into the red ink.

"The drawings in my book are bound to be destroyed at one point, there are two things from it that truly seem to mean something to me. And those I want them etched into me so when I look at them, it can remind me of two of the most important things." Sansa explained and gripped the table in front of her.

With a deep breath, Dagur plunged the needle into Sansa's smooth pale back and began to draw. He heard her give a small grunt and grip the table tightly as the needle flew over her skin, leaving red lines that began to take the shape of a three headed dragon.

"Done, one down and one more to go." He said when he finished tattooing the dragon.

"It hurts." Sansa said, reaching behind her to touch the puffy skin. "But it was worth it. Do the next one."

"One wolf coming up." Dagur said taking her wrist opposite to the shoulder he had inked and grabbed another needle and dipped it into black ink. "Now this is gonna hurt again so don't hut me for this."

"Shut up and get it over with." Sansa said gripping the table with her free hand.

Soon Sansa's wrist was itching and all red and puffy but she admired the wolf that Dagur drew on the part of her arm where the wrist and the palm of her hand connected. He even added some red to the eye so it wouldn't look so plain and blank.

"Looks just like the one I drew." She said touching the wolf.

"I used the book for a little help." Dagur said examining his work and patting her hand. "Now no more tattoos for you, that puffy skin does not look good on you."

"Says you, you have four lines on your face and arm." Sansa said, poking Dagur's arm where he had two small stripes.

"This is to indicate I am a Berserker, I am allowed to have as many tattoos as I want." Dagur said tapping his left eye.

"Did it hurt?"

"The eye, yeah it did. My father had five men hold me down till one knocked me unconscious to finish the paint job."

"Well then I'm glad my experience wasn't that bad." Sansa said and looked at Heather. "If you are a Berserker aren't you suppose to get one as well?"

"Oh no I don't need any. I'm good, thanks." Heather said holding her hand up. "Besides my skin isn't paper to have it inked painfully like that."

"Everyone has paper skin, but you don't need tattoos to mark it." Sansa said gently touching the right side of Dagur's face and making him blush a bit. "Scars, birthmarks, burns, tattoos, they mark us and often tell others and remind us of who we are."

"Some are too painful though." Dagur said turning away from her touch.

"But they remind us of a lesson we have learned from." Sansa replied. "But some are good memories. And me, I'd like to have mine inked into my skin like the paintings and drawings I see in books."

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