No Worries

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"It's been too long Jon! Four years and still no sign of Ash!" Jamie growled as he paced back and forth in front of stairs that led up to the iron throne. "I hate to say this but I think she really is dead."

"I doubt that those Vikings would have killed her. If they knew she was a princess they would have kept her alive and sold her to someone for a lot of gold." Jon said, shaking his head.

"Papa?" Both men turned to see young Lyanna standing in the doorway.

"Lyanna, what is it?" Jon asked, walking over to his daughter.

"Is Ash ever going to come back? Mama misses her very much." Lyanna said letting her father pick her up.

"We'll find Ash my dear, we are still looking for your sister. We have Jorah and Brienne looking for her in the Free Cities, Theon and his sister are looking for her in Viking territory right now and everyone is looking for her and asking the men who attacked us questions about her." Jon said hugging his daughter and giving Jamie a look. "Ash will come home, I promise."

"I want my big sister now!" Lyanna said, her little voice cracking. "And mama is crying upstairs in Ash's room."

Jon left Lyanna with her nurse and rushed off to his eldest daughter's room. He found his wife inside on the floor holding one of Ash's favorite dresses and sobbing uncontrollably. Her hunting hound Bee was sitting at the foot of her bed with his head between his paws and whimpering softly.

"Dany, Sana's going to have a fit of you mess up the dress." Jon said walking over to her and kneeling down to help his wife up.

"Do you know what day it is Jon?" Dany asked wiping her eyes.

"I do, it's Ash's birthday." Jon said looking down at the gown and realized why his wife was crying.

As much as she didn't like wearing gowns of any sort, Ash had a dress that Sansa made for her when she was younger that she was going to wear when she married. She loved putting it on with the small silver crown Gendry crafted for her even though both items were too big on her and spin around in her room singing wedding songs. And she told her parents that whether she was married or not, by the time she turned twenty she would wear the dress with her silver crown and parade through the city, giving sweets to the towns children and play games with them and sing the song of ice and fire that her grandfather composed long ago before he died.

"She should be twenty now if she were still alive." Dany said burying her face into Jon's chest. "By now we would have been in the town playing games and letting her and her siblings run loose like wolves and having fun."

"I know, I know, but don't say 'if she was still alive'. She can't be dead and you know that." Jon said gently.

"Jon! Dany!" The couple turned to see Tyrion standing at the door out of breath.

"Tyrion what is it?" Dany asked pulling away from her husband and placing the dress on the bed next to Bee.

"Someone said they spotted a girl who fits Ash's description. Violet eyes, white hair, looks about twenty years old. She's dressed like a Dothraki and is traveling with a group of dragon hunters." Tyron wheezed, stumbling into the room and collapsed on a stool.

"Dragon hunters?! Who would hunt dragons, there are no dragons beyond these lands!" Dany asked looking shocked. "Who would even hunt dragons anyways?"

"That is where you are wrong my queen, you see in the land of he Vikings there are hundreds, thousands of different species of dragons. Some Vikings hunt the poor beasts for their skins, their meat, their spikes, any part of a dragon is sold, and your daughter has been seen with them."

"Ash would never work with people who hurt dragons, she calls herself the sister of dragons." Dany said narrowing her eyes.

"I understand, the irony, a girl who has three dragons as older brothers hunts dragons with the people who have perhaps kidnapped her." Tyron said shaking his head. "Or perhaps she was forced into hunting dragons and she has no choice but to do so."

"Tyron who told you this?" Jon asked.

"Oh a merchant who is down in the throne room at the moment. He makes trade to all places and has recently asked to expand his trade to us. He said he had recently heard of the missing princess and told me he has seen her in a market with a Viking chief and his sister who are working with those mentioned dragon hunters. Johan was his name I believe and he swears on his traveling goods that he is telling the truth." Tyron said getting off the stool. "And I doubt he would be lying if he's betting his trade on it. Besides, if Ash were alive, most likely we'd find her among Vikings possibly under a different identity since hardly any of them knows who she is."

"Then let us talk to that merchant. If he's telling the truth, send Theon and Yara to go there and to not come back until they find my daughter." Dany said striding out of the room. Jon looked at Tyrion who just shrugged and followed the queen out of the room.

After four years we finally hear news of my daughter, this is too good to be true. Jon thought as he followed Tyrion out of the room with Bee beside him. In fact, I'll go with the Greyjoys to search for her top bring her home. I do hope that merchant is correct and isn't lying, otherwise Dany will feed him to her Ash's older brothers.

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