Dragon Warg

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Sansa tore into a large carcass of a deer as her two scaly brothers fought over a different carcass that one had managed to catch earlier. None of her brothers dared to take her kill, after all she was the bigger one and mother's favorite.

She heard someone approaching them and turned around to scare the intruder away till she saw it was a woman. Judging by the scent she was giving off Sansa instantly knew it was her mother, the one who had raided her and her two brothers since they hatched. She lowered her head to the woman and gave a small purr sound.

"Oh Drogon, I miss her so much." The woman sighed touching Sansa's snout. "It just hurts thinking about her. I think it was all my fault for letting her go not Jon's."

Sansa could sense the woman's sorrow and bent down and nuzzled her gently and growled. The woman placed a gentle hand on Sansa's snout and stroked it. She gave a small growl and gently licked the woman's cheek with the tip of her large tongue. Her brother's also came to comfort their mother and to be petted as well but she kept growling at them to stay away.

"Drogon be nice to Rhaegal and Versirion, they're only trying to comfort me just like you are." Her mother said. Sansa snorted and crept back to her kill to finish eating it.

Just then, Sansa sensed something was wrong. She began to growl to alert both her brothers who began to growl as well. She hurried over to her mother and curled around her protectively. She could smell other creatures coming close and she could smell the blood from their sharp and shiny weapons. She knew she had to get her mother out of the danger, the sooner the better. She pushes her towards the way she came with her green brother leading the way and her white brother bringing up the rear and keeping her mother under her wing as she walked.

"Drogon what's going on?" Her mother asked. Sansa could smell the fear off of her and growled gently in hopes of calming her down a bit.

There was the snap of a twig and Sansa turned her head towards the sound with bared teeth. Both her brothers gave a low growl. The scent of the humans was not familiar to her, in fact she never smelled humans like this before. Sansa growled and pushed her mother towards her white brother and nudged her close to him.

"Take her back to her nest. Stay well out of the range of their flying sticks." She ordered her younger brother. He gave a snort and nudged their mother to climb onto his back.

Once they were both gone, Sansa and her green brother waited as the smell of the strange men got stronger and stronger.

"Shall we torch them the way we did in Meereen?" Her brother asked licking his lips.

"We won't get into trouble this time. After all this is to save our mother." Sansa growled and turned her head in the direction the scent was coming from. "I've known the scent of men for years and these smell like the ones that mother hates, the ones from across the seas and who act like the horse people but are more wild." And with that, she opened her mouth and let loose a pillar of fire.

The screams of the strange men filled her ears as the woods sprung up in flames. She spread her wings and took to the sky with her green brother behind her. The small part of the woods they were in had caught fire and was slowly spreading. Sansa caught sight of the sea and saw the men's boats.

"Shall we torch them brother?" She asked turing to her brother.

"It wouldn't be fun without Versirion but let's do it anyways."

With a wild roar, they both dove down towards the boats till they were in firing range.

"This is for the sister whom you stole from us!" Rhaegal screeched and blasted the boat. Sansa blew a line of fire at another boat and another and soon all boats were on fire.

"Stupid barbarians think that they can steal our sister and get away for it without having to face our wrath." Sansa growled as she and her brother turned back towards their mother's stone nest. ""No one hurts our mother's brood without dealing with is."

"And I agree with you there brother." Rhaegal snarled. "And I think it's time you've woken up Sansa."

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