Damaged But Stronger

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"Why.....you stupid idiot...." Sansa whispered softly as she hung her legs over the side of the fort. "You stupid...but brave idiot...why did you have to die?"

Hours earlier, she and Dagur had arrived on Dragons Edge to ask Hiccup to help Dagur a dragon. But when the dragon riders found them, they were very suspicious of them, especially of her. The hate and fear in the girl Astrid's eyes was very obvious despite that she tried to hide it when Sansa would just look at her. And then when Heather came, she wan not only angered at Dagur and Hiccup, but at her.

"Why would you side with him?" She screamed. "You were so pissed at what he had done to us!"

"Yes I was mad Heather, but he saved our lives. And I returned the favor by saving his life as well." She argued back. "And if working with him to find you and save the people who found and protected me for five years makes me a traitor, then so be it because I will not turn my back on your brother when he needed my help."

And of course, despite that they tried to warn Hiccup that attacking the hunters fleet was a suicide mission, they locked them away with the dragons just to be safe. Sansa had awoken to the riders asking her where Dagur had went but she was just as shocked as they were when she saw Dagur had vanished. She flew with the riders to catch Dagur and saw him fighting the hunters who were suppose to kill them. And the last she saw of him was him rising into a cloud of smoke on his Gronckle Shattermaster and saw explosions. She refused to believe he was dead, but there was no way he could have made it out alive.

She closed her eyes and tilted her head back when she heard the sound of distant rumbling and felt the cool raindrops touch her face. Perfect weather to mourn a friend she loved and cared for dearly. She heard a small croon and felt a scaly head rub her arm. She looked down to see the obsidian dragon with bright green eyes, the one Hiccup called Toothless.

"You wish you could have spoken to help Dagur out hmm?" She asked, scratching the dragon behind one of his ear flaps. He gave a small croon and rubbed against her arm. "I know, I miss him very much. Do you miss him? Dagur told me you let him ride him once to save your rider, bet that was fun."

The Night Fury gave a small laugh and gently licked her cheek. Sansa smiled and pressed her forehead against his.

"In my memories I recall meeting some sort of animal ass gentle and loving as you. Always locking my cheek when incried, rubbing itself against me, and always listening to me. I don't remember what it was really, but I sort of remember it." Sansa said scratching him behind the ear flap again and receiving a dragon sigh.

"I see you and Toothless are getting along pretty well." The dragon gave a small warble didn't move away from Sansa.

"I have a way with dragons, ever since I've began to recover some of my memory I have learned I have always had a way with dragons." Sansa said not looking back to see who it was. She knew who it was obviously.

"Mind if I sit here with you two?"

"Go ahead, it's your outpost."

She heard the creaking sound of the wood and out of the corner of her eye she saw Hiccup sitting on the opposite side of her with Toothless between them.

"It must be hard to loose someone you cared about most." He said not looking at her. "It sort of know what that was like, my mom was taken from me and my father when I was just a kid."

"I had a friend named Hiccup, but he was different than what a Hiccup is suppose to be." Sansa said. "He was strong, charming, witty, powerful and kind. The night he died, he kissed me, probably knowing he was going to die. And he died in my arms, his last words were a confession telling me that he loved me more than a friend."


They were both silent for a while till they heard someone cough behind them. They turned around to see Heather behind them, clutching a letter in her fist and her eyes all red and puffy.

"I have a note from my brother." She said in a quivering voice. "You really need to read this."

Before Hiccup could get to his feet, Sansa was already on hers and reading the letter.

"Of course, the auctions! That's where the hunters have the biggest trades!" She said handing Hiccup the letter. "If we head over to them, we could put a huge dent in Viggo's trade!"

"We just need to know where it is, do you know?" Hiccup asked, handing Heather back the letter.

"Unfortunately no, Dagur and I have heard about these auctions but we never had a chance to see them or know their location." Sansa said shaking her head. "But if we need someone who has a way of getting information without getting caught, and I think we all know who can."

"Of course, Johan!" Heather said, her green eyes no longer sad but shining bright with excitement.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go find him!" Sansa said, rushing off to the stables.

"I haven't seen her like this since she joined me in trying to take the hunters out from the inside." Heather said to Hiccup as they walked back to the clubhouse to tell the rest of the gang and to come up with a new plan.

"She's been damaged enough already." Hiccup said with a nod. "Lost her memory, lost a friend who died protecting her dragon eggs, still is trying to find out who she is, and lost another friend who she cared for."

"My brother actually liked her." Heather said when they passed the stables. They could hear Sansa rushing around inside, saddling every dragon in there and giving food to hers and talking rapidly. "Do you know why damaged people are dangerous, Hiccup?"

"They can be unstable?"

"No, because they know they can survive. Every thing that has damaged her in a way has make her become stronger."


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