Under The Night Sky

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"Hash...yer...i ray tih voov?" Dagur stuttered and frowned. "Was that right?"

"It's 'Hash yeri ray tih vov?', means 'have you seen my weapon?'" Ash corrected Dagur. "But it was close, I see you have been trying to practice."

"Well when you're not speaking Valyrian or what you call the 'common tongue' in Westros, you speak nothing but Dothraki and figured someone has to know what's been coming out of those pretty lips of yours."

"Someone's been getting bold." Ash replied teasingly before laying down on the grass. "The stars are looking very beautiful tonight."

"Yeah they sure are." Dagur said, laying himself down beside her. "I've never seen them like this before."

"I have seen them like this. Some nights when I would be in Winterfell I would climb onto the roof of the tallest tower and watch the moon and stars rise and try and make up my own constellations and fid the ones my father taught me." Ash said waving a hand at the sky. "Sometimes he'd climb onto the roof with me and watch the skies."

"My father never did anything like that with me." Dagur sighed and turned his head a bit. "He and I weren't really so close, even after what I did to Heather. I stopped trying years ago to reconnect with him." Dagur saw her face drop to a concerned look before he looked up at the skies again. "But when Heather and I find Oswald, I plan on trying to be close to him."

"So if you even do find Oswald, are you going to step down and not be chief?" Ash asked, keeping her gaze on him.

"Probably, unless he plans on retiring and sitting back to watch either me or my sister have families of our own."

"When I go home my parents would probably expect me to get married." Ash sighed and looked back up at the sky. "But the thing is that I don't feel ready to give my heart to someone like that, and I want to marry for love."

"You know that probably won't happen." Dagur pointed out and Ash gave a frustrated groan.

"Barely any princesses in my kingdom ever married for love or were in love with the guy they married! My mom for one loved my father and married him to keep the Targaryen bloodline going, get the Northern kingdoms under her rule and because everyone was pressuring her to get married soon."

"Well who knows, your next suitor could be a really nice guy you'll like." Dagur said rolling over to face her and scooted close to Ash. "Because knowing you, you'll never be satisfied with any other guy who's not your type."

"And what are you implying?" Ash scoffed.

"Nothing." Dagur replied, giving her an innocent smile

"Aren't you suppose to be looking at the stars?" Ash asked as she felt her face grow a little warm when she noticed how close he was to her.

"I think I found something more worth my attention at the moment." Dagur answered and turned her head to look at him.

"Okay I think I'm going back to my hut." Ash said hastily as she got up and dusted the dirt off her leggings and trying to ignore the warm feeling in her cheeks and the fluttering in her stomach.

"Ash wait." Dagur said getting off the floor and grabbing her hand. "I need to tell you something."

"Whatever it is, it can wait." Ash said trying to walk away but Dagur gently pulled her back. "Let go of my hand Dagur, please."

"What I want to say can't really wait." Dagur said. Ash gave a defeated sigh and turned to face him.

"Alright, out with it and make it quick." She said.

As soon as the words left her lips, Ash felt Dagur pull her towards him and felt his arms wrap gently around her waist before he leaned forward and placed a kiss on her lips. For a moment Ash thought she should pull away, but something about the kiss made her want to stay right there. She hadn't felt that way since...Hiccup (A/N: fyi not the dragon master!) kissed her before charging off to his death. When Dagur pulled away, she had to restrain herself from pulling him into another kiss.

"I love you Ashaeya Targaryen, I just wanted to tell and show you that before we go and fight those dragon hunters." He whispered softly and gently pressed his forehead to hers. "I don't know when it started, but I just had to tell you when we saw each other again after I faked my death."

"Whey didn't you tell me when we were searching for the gold?" Ash asked, her voice barely over a whisper.

"It didn't feel like the right time."

Ash pulled her head back and unwrapped Dagur's arms from around her waist.

"Dagur...I...I don't think I have a response to this." She said as she backed away. "I-it's too much for me to process right now!"

"Well...you don't have to tell me right now, take all the time you need." Dagur said looking away with a hurt look on his face.

"I'll...I'll tell you tomorrow in the morning." Ash said before walking off in the direction of her hut.

"I'll wait." Dagur said, watching her leave. 'Even if you don't feel like you could ever love me back, I at least got the satisfaction of letting you know.'

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