Avoiding The Problem

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Dagur awoke to the sound of someone pounding on his bedroom door and sat up slowly with a groan, taking care not to disturb Ash who was asleep besides him.

"What now?" He asked loudly as he climbed out of bed to grab at least a tunic to put on. He managed to find one and threw it on before walking over to the door and throwing it open. "Well?" He asked the guard who was standing uncomfortably in front of him.

"Th-there's someone here to see you chief. A very small man who claims he is the Hand of the queen and demands to see uh...your lady." The guard stammered and wrung his hands. "Oh and he also said that if you refuse to see him, he'll have his beast set fire to the whole island."

"Small man?" Dagur heard Ash ask from the bed and turned to see her propped up on her elbows and pushing some of her hair from her face. "Was he blonde and wore a golden pin on his shirt?"

"Y-yes. And overhead was a huge green and bronze dragon that looked bigger than a Red Death!" The guard answered hastily. Ash's eyes widened and she sprang from the bed and bolted out of the room, still in her nightgown.

"Looks like I have to go outside too, he did say he wished to speak with me." Dagur sighed as he walked out to follow Ash. "Wonder who he is. Ash seemed pretty terrified of him."

Dagur walked out of his home to find some of his people crowded in a circle around something. Standing nearby was a monstrous dragon, much bigger than any he had ever seen with scales the color of emeralds and lined with bronze scales. It's large head was bent down in the middle of the crowd and it was giving out loud purring sounds, ones he'd only heard Sleuther make when he scratched him in the right place. As he got closer, he saw Ash standing in the center of the circle with a blonde haired dwarf who wore a red and gold tunic with a small hand shaped pin on it. Ash was hugging the dragon's snout and stroking it gently while cooing to it in that strange language he often heard her cursed in.

"Oh how I've missed you big brother! You don't know how I yearned to be united with you and our brother's after I regained my memory!" Ash cooed and place a kiss on the beast's scaly snout. The dragon snorted and nuzzled her gently before catching sight of Dagur. It's bronze eyes narrowed in distrust but remained close to the silver haired girl.

"Oh look, your somewhat Dothraki boy has arrived." The dwarf said as the crowd parted for Dagur to walk through.

"Uncle, be polite!" Ash scolded as she gently pushed the dragon's head away and walked over to Dagur. "Before you can ask, I had no idea my uncle would come."

"After her father told us of her whereabouts, I figured it was high time I payed my beloved niece a visit." The dwarf said and gave a yawn. "I hadn't eaten yet, and no doubt you haven't either."

"Hold on a minute, who are you exactly?" Dagur asked. "And how dare you threaten to burn my whole village if I refused to speak with you?"

"Oh he'd never do that!" Ash said and gave the dwarf a scolding look. "Right uncle Tyrion?"

"Quite right, but as you know, Vikings have stubbornness issues." The dwarf, Tyrion chuckled and studied Dagur with his mismatched eyes. "Are you courting my niece?"

"I am, and I have been very respectful of her as well." Dagur answered. "I treat her as one should treat a princess and I make sure that everyone treats her politely."

"I heard that you had some dragons of your own." Tyrion said Turing to his niece and gave her a smile. "You've really become just like your mother. The trader who delivered us the news on your whereabouts told us what you've been doing, your mother is very pleased that you stayed behind to help dragons and wishes she could be at your side to help."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2017 ⏰

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