Sleep Deprivation

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It had already been eight days since the sun had stayed up in the sky. And for those eight days and nights the riders had been avoiding doing any sort of difficult work especially now that some of them were experiencing some symptoms from their lack of sleep.

Ash kept trying to ask the riders or talk to them but they'd be looking at her oddly and ask what she's saying.

"She's experiencing a switch of tongues." Ruffnut had explained. "But this is definitely not Valyrian, sounds a lot more gruff and kind of harsh."

"She did say she knew that language Dothraki." Fishlegs said as he was filing Meatlug's claws. "Maybe that's the language?"

"Could be. Hey Ash, are you speaking Dothraki?" Tuffnut called.

Ash yelled something at them in the strange language and flung her bucket at him.

"Yeah I think she is."

"At least she's not acting like Astrid." Heather said as Astrid ran past them and flung herself at Ash who tried shoving her off.

Through the rest of the day Ash was getting frustrated that no one was understanding her since she thought she was speaking Norse, she had to practically write something in the dirt like Gothi. Yet it was no use.

Heather could read anything, Snotlout was having mood swings like a pregnant woman, Fishlegs was hiding and accusing everyone of being against him, Ruffnut was shouting at no one in particular and getting mad at everything and Tuffnut was too busy laughing at his sister and refusing to stop. And the dragons were giving all their riders concerned looks, especially hers.

"Wonder what's keeping Hiccup?" Ash asked outloud.

She glanced over at Astrid to see her being too over excited.

'Did I look like that when Heather told me the news of her?' She wondered.

Just then, Windshear had lifted a door that was on the floor and motioned it to Stormfly. Astrid had ran over and was gushing how she loved darkness and how it was like a big warm and fuzzy blanket when Stormfly shoved her in. The rest of the dragons soon grabbed their riders and dropped them into the hole till only she remained.

"Well I guess I'm the only one not going to be dropped in right?" She asked. Sweet Song snorted and grabbed her by the back of her dress. "No no no! I'm perfectly fine! Put me down or no haddock for supper!"

Ignoring her rider's protests, the Deathsong dropped her rider into the hole and slapped the door shut with her tail.

Ash left herself land on something and it took her a moment to realize it was Snotlout and Fishlegs.

"They're gonna suffocate us! Those traitors!" Fishlegs shrieked and Ash flinched.

It was dark in the hole and rather roomy. Ash crawled away from Fishlegs and felt her way over to Heather who was just lying still.

"This is for the best isn't it?" She asked and Ash grunted in agreement. Both gave a yawn and Heather felt her friend settle herself beside her. "Let's just sleep this day off and hope when we wake up we are fine."

"Yeah." Ash murmured as she felt Heather snuggle close to her. "Sleep well."


"Okay, this place should be good enough." Dagur said surveying the Gronckles who were happily munching away at some boulders. "Now it's about time we headed back to the Edge just like I promised Heather."

Shattermaster gave a grunt and nudged his rider.

"And there's definitely one person there I look forward to seeing." Dagur added with a smile. "You remember Sansa right boy?"

Shattermaster nodded, remembering the blonde with violet eyes who kept sneaking him rocks when Dagur wasn't looking. Dagur smiled and scratched his dragon between the ears.

"Bet she flipped when Heather told her that I was alive, in a good way!" Dagur laughed. "Man is she gonna be in for a surprise. And when I get there and get settled, I'm gonna finally confess it to her. And by that I meant my feelings."

Shattermaster cocked his head in curiosity at his rider.

"Well it means I tell her how I feel, like how I feel about her. I tell her that I am having feelings and she's allowed to tell me she can't return the feeling or she feels the same way about me." Dagur explained. "But knowing her she'll just throw it at my face in the nicest way possible. Then again it's Sansa, she's unpredictable!"

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