To The Rescue

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"We're here, stay quiet." Hiccup instructed the gang as they felt the boat come to a stop.

"No need to tell me that." Sansa said quietly.

They listened as Johan talked to Ryker and listened as they heard Viggo come down the stairs, inspecting their dragons. As they heard him walk away, the whole gang held their breath when they heard the wood above them creak very loudly. Then they saw a coin drop between the cracks of the boards.

Please just go, please just go. Sansa pleaded silently. They heard the creaking of the steps and then a loud crash as the wooden floor above them came crashing down. Sansa almost gave a scream when that happened and clamped a fist into her mouth and bit it. Thankfully, Toothless covered them all with his wings. Some dust rained down on them and Tuffnut almost sneezed but Fishlegs covered his mouth.

As soon as they heard Viggo leave and take their dragons, they all climbed out of their hiding place.

"Johan may I ask you a question?" Sansa asked the trader.

"Oh of course your majesty!" Johan said. "You know it's rather surprising and ironic that the daughter of the mother of dragons had been helping people who hunt and sell dragons-"

"And is helping a group of dragon riders release them, I know. I just hope that the man Jon was telling the truth about my family. I've been holding onto that hope for four years and it all seems too good to be true." Sansa said holding a hand up to silence Johan before he went on a rant. "Tell me, did you really meet my mother, what was she like?"

"Well....Daenarys Targaryan is a rather interesting woman. Looks rather dainty when you fist look at her but she's a rather strong woman. She's done more things as a young girl than any of her ancestors have done in the past three centuries." Johan said. "You even look like her, but with just a touch of her husband Jon."

"Were they happy when you told them you found me?"

"Very happy, especially the man named Tyrion. Your mother looked like she was about to cry when I had told her and your father and Hand that you were alive and well and in a country filled with dragons. Perhaps when you decide to go home you can introduce your dragons to her and the rest of your family. They're a rather interesting bunch."

"Maybe I will, but first things first. I have to help my friends put an end to this, dragons are not meant to be slaves." Sansa said, turning to go walk up the stairs.

"That's the same thing she said, 'a dragon is not a slave' I'm sure she would be proud to see what you are doing." Johan said walking out with her.

I hope so.


"Okay we just need to find our dragons and wait for Hiccup's signal and release the rest of them." Heather said as she, Astrid and Sansa crept past the covered cages in search of their dragons.

"Sometimes I wished I had a non-rare dragon." Sansa groaned, peering under the covers for Sweet Song. "I mean I love my Death Song and Skrill and Razorwhip to death but it made it easier for the hunters to spot me and Dagur when we were out hiding, especially Sweet Song."

"Well how did you even get them in the first place?" Astrid asked.

"That's something I'm still trying to remember." Sansa replied. "I get flashes of memories of when I was growing up but nothing on the time I was kidnapped. Between that time and when I washed up on an island it's all just nothing."

"Shh! Someone is coming!" Astrid hissed and they quickly ducked behind some cages to see some guards approaching a cage. Sansa heard a melodic roar and her eyes widened.

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