Who Am I Really?

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What is Ash Targaryen suppose to be like? Sansa wondered as she sat on her bed and sharpened her knives. I doubt she is anything like Sansa No Name.

It had been two weeks since the man who claimed to be her father came and told her so many things that seemed impossible but now she was starting to believe it. The only problem was that didn't know how to be Ash Targaryen anymore.

"Knock, knock." She turned around to see Heather standing in the doorway of her hut. "Can I come in?"

"Of course you may." Sansa said gesturing to one of stools she had in her hut. "So what did you need or want to talk about?"

"Did...did my brother ever talk to you about anything before you came here?" Heather asked, dragging a stool over to the bed and seating herself down.

"Well he talked about you mostly." Sansa said placing the knife down. "Told me about old memories he had of you when you were both young, like the time he tried to teach you how to throw an axe before you could even walk."

"Ah I remember that." Heather giggled. "Did you have anyone who was like an older brother to you?"

"Nope, I had plenty of men who were like uncles to me." Sansa said shaking her head. "My uncle related to me by my father was named Bran, he liked to read me stories of the legends of different houses and my favorite was of my grandparents. My other uncle was a man named Tyrion who was my mother's Hand, he loved to humor me and was quite wise in many ways. He had an older brother named Jamie who taught me to fight with a sword when my primary teacher couldn't."

"Seems like you have very interesting friends." Heather noted.

"I do indeed, my best friend Rose was a girl from the South who had the North in her bones. She disliked it when boys called her 'Fat Blossom' although she was more plump than fat to be honest. And then my friend who was born a Wildling but was raised under lady Lyanna Mormont, she was as fierce as her lady mother but she could be fun when she wanted to be."

"As I said, interesting friends."

"Yes I have a very interesting family and group of friends." Sansa chuckled, but then frowned. "But the problem is that I'm not sure how I'm going to adjust back to being Ash, I'm so used to being Sansa that I have forgotten how Ash is suppose to be."

"How do you think Ash is?" Heather asked.

"Well from my memories she obviously fights with swords, likes to ride horses like a Northern man, talks to her dragon brothers, plays with her father and aunt's direwolves, plays with her six brothers and sisters, I don't think I can do that anymore Heather." Sansa answered, counting the things off her fingers. "How can I be Ash again?"

"It will take time Sansa - I mean Ash, it took me a long time to get used to the idea of actually having an older brother."

"Same here." Sansa chuckled. "Guess I got to be used to being called Ash again."

They continued talking about other things when Heather decided to bring up something from a few months ago.

"Did you really like my brother?" Heather asked.

"Well he was a sweet boy really, I didn't like his deranged personality of course but he was a good man really, just needed someone to hear him out." Sansa said, playing with her fingers.

"Well did you have any....romantic feelings for him?" Heather asked in a low voice and grinned. Surely her brother and friend had grown much closer since that day he had given her those flowers and perhaps he had revealed his feelings to her.

"No....no we're friends Heather!" Sansa said shaking her head quickly and felt her face grow warm. "He and I never had any talks about that!"

Heather's grin fell and was replaced by a frown. That son of a- good grief he didn't do that then. She figured after all those weeks he spent alone with Sansa running from dragon huntets, freeing dragons, digging around for information on how to bring down Viggo, he would have had some time to talk to her and tell her how he felt.

"Heather why are you frowning?" Sansa asked feeling worried that she upset her friend since she was making the same face Rose made when she got mad. Her eyebrows were furrowed, her lips were pinched in a tight and thin line and her eyes were narrowed as well. "Was it something I said?"

"I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at my brother." She said through gritted teeth and stood up. "I need to kill something right now, preferably a target."

"O-okay." Heather walked out of Sansa's hut, leaving her feeling terrified. "Oh seven hells, she has Rose's temper! If I start seeing more similar personalities between my Viking friends and my friends from Westros, I might just go mad!"

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