No Mercy

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"Are you gonna stop your screaming or are you gonna help out?" Fishlegs asked Ash.

Ash lifted her head up from her bed and made a face at him.

"I have a right to be screaming into my pillow in frustration, so leave me be Fishlegs."

"But we need your help right now! And your wolf is getting hungry and been eyeing the boars in the twins boar pit and Chicken!"

"Hide the stupid bird then! I'm trying to cope with something right now and you are definitely not helping!"

Fishlegs gave a frustrated groan and walked over to the bed.

"Please can you at least help? You can just feed your wolf and I'll let Hiccup know you will be out for the rest of the day."

Ash lifted her head up from the pillow and Fishlegs immediately backed away.

" you want to talk about it?" He asked nervously.

Ash sat herself up and hugged her knees to her chest.

"Dagur confessed that he is in love with me." She said hugging her knees more tightly. "And I don't know how to answer him."

"Do you like him?" Fishlegs asked, walking over to the bed.

"I think I do...but I don't know how to respond." Ask said and gripped her hair. "He kissed me hells I hadn't felt that way since my best friend's death! And the last time anyone kissed me and confessed they were in love with me died hours later!"

"And you're scared for Dagur." Fishlegs added with a nod. "I understand your fear for him Ash, and if you don't want to respond yet, just ask him for more time."

"I guess I should do that." Ash said nodding in agreement.

Just then, a frightened Terrible Terror flew into the room right into Ash's arms, trembling like a small tree in a fierce storm.

"Message?" Fishlegs asked, noticing the note tied around the leg of the small dragon.

"From Viggo no doubt, but why was it sent to me?" Ash asked removing the note and letting the dragon crawl onto her shoulder.

Fishlegs watched as her violet eyes widen in alarm before narrowing dangerously. He had only seen her eyes get like that when they discovered about the dragon fights and the dragon hunter auction.

"What does it say?" Fishlegs asked as she closed the scroll. "Was it meant for Hiccup?"

"I have to go." Ash said crumbling the scroll up and tossing it to the side. "It's not for Hiccup, but don't tell him I left."


The elder Grimborn stood at the prow of the ship scanning the grey skies for a certain person to arrive. An amused look came to his eyes as a dark shape glided out from the clouds and circled overhead.

'Guess the girl wasn't as craven as we thought.' He thought to himself as the familiar grey and blue Skrill soared down onto the boat with a cloaked rider on his back.

The dragon hissed at Ryker as his rider dismounted and ordered him to stay. Walking over and removing the hood, Ash frowned at her old employer and put her hands on her hips.

"What the seven hells do you want from me, Ryker?" She asked in an impatient tone, the same one Heather often used.

"Viggo wishes to speak with you, princess." He answered and inwardly grinned when he saw a flash of surprise cross her face. "And yes, we know who you are Ash of the House of Targaryen."

"I'm of the House of Stark." Ash retorted. "Where is your brother?"

"Right here." Ash turned around slowly to see the younger Grimborn behind her with his hands clasped behind his back and a smirk on his face.

"If you are planning on holding me prisoner for any money from my family, you can forget about it." Ash said slipping into her business tone that Sansa taught her to use. "My parents know I am out here and will find a way to release me without handing over a golden dragon*." *(Golden dragons were a currency used in Game of Thrones)

"Ah yes, we've heard that tale of what your mother did countless times, but it's now why we asked you to come here." Viggo said.

"What do you want?" Ash asked.

"You know what it is."

"Gold? Jewels? I don't have any of it. My dragons? Out of the question."

"Not that." Ryker said looking slightly annoyed.

"Then what?" Ash asked wondering what they wanted.

"All we ask is for you to talk some sense into Hiccup and his little group of friends to surrender if they don't want to see Berk or the homes of their allies go down in flames." Viggo answered and gave her a smirk.

"Hiccup and the others will never back down, and neither will I." Ash snapped, her hands curling into fists. "I'm not your messenger girl to be going back and forth doing your bidding. I may have worked for you but I am no longer tied to you."

"You sold yourself to work for us and we have not given you permission to leave, therefore you are still bound to us!" Ryker growled, his hand going to one of his swords. He heard a loud hiss and jumped back to see Storm dangerously close to him with his jaws cracked open to reveal lightning.

"You employed Sansa No Name to work for you. I am Ashaeya of House Stark and Targaryen, first born daughter of the last two Targaryens, heir to Winterfell, sister of dragons, rider and tamer of the storm beast you see in front of you, ally to Berk and Berserker Island, and I work for no one but myself." Ash said stepping towards her dragon as the two dragon hunters edged away from him. "You should know better than to threaten a future queen with her dragon and a sword in her hand."

"When we win you will be working under us under much different circumstances." Ryker muttered, removing his hand from his sword

"When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east." Ash said lifting her head and narrowing her eyes. "When the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves, it will be then that I would serve you. When my friends and I defeat you you're not going to serve, you're going to die."

"By your hand I assume?" Viggo asked raising an eyebrow.

"You assume correct. Sleep well Ryker and Viggo of the House Grimborn, if you can."

And with that, the young future queen climbed onto her awaiting dragon, who was smirking at the two men, before taking off into the skies.

"If she makes threats as well as her mother and goes through with them, we're screwed." Ryker said as the girl and her dragon disappeared from view.

"Even Daenerys Stormborn had her downfalls once in a while and often never went through with her threats." Viggo said narrowing his eyes at the sky. "Her own daughter is just trying to shake us up, and that won't work on us."

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