Loss of Memory

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"Father you need to see this." Magnus looked up from his wood carving to see his son, Hiccup walk in with a girl.

She looked about his son's age with grey looking hair that was all dirty with dirt and blood smudging her face, clothes that were all torn up and burned so it was impossible to see what she had originally worn, no shoes on her feet and she was hugging three eggs to her chest.

"My son who is this?" Magnus asked setting his knife and wooden sheep down before standing up.

"That's the thing father, she doesn't remember her name." Hiccup said glancing at the girl before looking at his father. "I think she's lost her memory."

"Do you remember anything child?" Magnus asked the girl. The girl just shook her head and hugged the eggs close to her chest.

"Please don't hurt them." She whispered looking at Magnus with terrified violet eyes. "Please don't hurt these eggs, someone tried to take them from me when we were coming here."

"Finn tried taking the eggs from her to see what species they were and she almost clawed his eyes out." Hiccup explained to his father.

"Please can you remember anything? A name, a place, anything about yourself?" Magnus asked.

"All I can remember is the name Sansa....I think that's my name." The girl said quietly. "Yes I think Sansa is my name."

"Well Sansa, can you remember where you are from?" Magnus asked feeling quite pleased to have some progress.

"No sir." She said shaking her head. "I woke up on the shores of your island with these eggs in my arms and he found me."

"That would be my son Hiccup, now we'll find a place for you to stay but first I believe you need a bath." Magnus said ushering his son and Sansa outside. "Hiccup take her to Helena to clean the girl up."

"Yes father." Hiccup said with a nod and led her to a large hut surrounded by chickens, geese and some ducks. "Don't worry Helena is nice and she'll fix you right up."

"I hope by fix up she means helping me get my memories back and maybe a little bath." Sansa said as they entered.

Inside the hut was an old woman bent over a large pot and stiring and tossing things into it. Hiccup cleared his throat loudly. When the old woman turned around, Sansa clutched the eggs more tightly to her chest.

"Ah master 'Iccup! What brings you and this poor creature to my humble hut?" The woman, Helena asked.

"This is Sansa, I had found her a while ago and she needs some help." Hiccup explained, pushing Sansa towards Helena. "And father also asks for her to bathe."

"A bath she does need." Helena said wrinkling her nose. "And a good one too. Hot water with some lavender should do."

"Go on, I'll be back when you're done." Hiccup said turning around and leaving the two of them alone.

"Come now dearie, old Helena will make you look nice again." Helena said taking Sansa by the arm to the back of her hut.

After making her strip down and tossing the old clothes away, Helena had Sansa sit in a tub filled with hot and steaming water. The heat didn't bother Sansa, in fact it felt quite soothing to her tired body.

"I see the young master has taking a liking to ye lass." Helena said dumping a bucket of water over Sansa's head and began to scrub her hair vigorously.

"I don't really think so." Sansa said wincing at the force of her hair being tugged.

"Well he needs woman in his life, a friend of course. Poor boy hasn't been the same when his dear lady mother and baby sister died." Helena said and handed Sansa a bar of soap and a cloth. "Now scrub yourself very well, I'll be right back with some clean water."

When Helena left, Sansa climbed out of the tub and picked up her three dragon eggs before climbing back into the tub with them in her arms. As soon as she finished scrubbing herself, she began to gently scrub at the eggs. All three were different sizes and shaped but were the same muddy brown color. They weren't rocks like everyone in the village assumed they were but deep down inside she knew they were eggs.

"I see you want to give the eggs a bath too eh?" Helena said with a laugh when she entered. "Nice to see someone wants to take care of dragons around here."

"Do you know what type they are?" Sansa asked.

"With that ugly color and shapes I can't tell, perhaps you discovered a new species." Helena said and umped a bucket of water over Sansa's head. "Now come out so I can help you towel yourself out and comb that hair of yours."

After doing what she asked, Sansa wrapped the towel around her body and allowed Helena to comb and towel hr hair dry. As she did, Sansa explained everything that had happened when she had woken up.

"I can't remember anything to be honest." Sansa sighed as Helena gently worked the tangles out of her hair with a bone comb.

"Must have hit your head very well eh?" Helena chuckled. "Now obviously you aren't from around here with those lovely violet eyes of yours and this beautiful white hair. And that accent is also not exactly from here."

"Do you know where I'm from then?" Sansa asked hopefully.

"Unfortunately no my dear, old Helena used to know so many things and places and people but I can't tell where you're from." Helena said shaking her head. "But since you're here, you can stay with me till we can find your family and try and help you recover your memories."

"Thank you, I'll try and work and help around here so I won't be a bother." Sansa said with a sigh of relief. It felt good to be accepted and she prayed she'd recover her memories soon to know why  she was even far from her home.

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