Our Choices Made

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"Oh my gods I looked like an idiot didn't I?" Ash asked Ruffnut and smacked her face. "I made a fool of myself in front of him! I literally had to resist the urge to tackle him in a hug!"

"Relax! You were fine, you played it cool pretty well." Ruffnut assured her. "Your moon and stars was happy to see you too!"

"It's sun and stars and he's my friend not my husband or boyfriend." Ash corrected her.

"You're right, he isn't." Ruffnut said with a nod and flashed her a sly smile. "He's your crush and future boyfriend and future husband."

"Oh jon yath Ruffnut." Ash muttered, trying to ignore her warm cheeks.

"If you're telling me that I am right then my brother owns me fifteen runes!"

"I said shut up to you in Dothraki! Seriously I need to teach it to- no bad idea, you and Tuff will use it to swear around people."

"Hey say something in Dothraki! It sounds like dragon growling!"

Ash groaned in frustration but did what her friend asked.

"Yeri smell ven diwe vafikh." She said with a straight face. "Ma yeri are annoying anna ray."

Ruffnut burst out laughing and flung one arm around Ash's neck.

"Man you gotta teach me that language princess, then we can hurl insults at those hunters and pass on secrets without them even knowing!"

"I am not a princess, I am a khalakki which means daughter of the khal." Ash corrected her and carefully removed her friend's arm from her neck.

"It suits you." Both girls turned to see Dagur a few feet behind them and wiping his hand on his skirt.

"I've been told so before." Ash said giving him a small smile.

"I'll leave you two love birds alone." Ruffnut whispered before hurrying off, leaving Ash and Dagur alone.

They stood there awkwardly, unsure of what to say. Ash bit her lip and Dagur gave an uneasy sigh before he spoke up.

"So...you got your memory back?" He asked and Ash nodded.

"Yeah, a man who claimed to be my father came looking for me and explained who he was and tried to take me back to my country." She said rubbing her arm and looked away uneasily. "But when I explained why I couldn't go back, he agreed to let me stay and come back when I felt ready."

"Well that's great! Sansa, you don't have to worry about over staying your visit in the Viking territories!" Dagur exclaimed and grabbed her hands. "You have a home to return to when we take down the dragon hunters!"

"That's the thing, I don't think we'll ever be finished with the dragon hunters." Ash said pulling her hands away and walking to the edge of the floor that overlooked the valley. "And what if...what if my mom doesn't want me back? I'm trying so hard to be the girl I once was but...it's so hard to."

"Sansa, you're mother would be so happy to see that you're a fighter, that you're willing to help others and those dragons with other dragon riders." Dagur said walking to her side and took her hand. "And if she's not happy about that, then she's so blind to see that she has a great daughter just like you."

"If she heard you say that she'd have your tongue cut out." Ash said giving a small laugh. "But she was the one who spent most of her time before returning to her country freeing slaves. And she always told me that a dragon is not a slave."

"Then you ought to be telling the Grimborns that when you guys have them on their knees defeated." Dagur said giving her a smile and squeezed her hand. "Because Sansa Stormrider is not going down without a fight."

"Actually, when my father came to find me he told me what my real name was." Ash said with a chuckle. "He told me it was Ashaeya Targaren."

"Huh, well it's better than Sansa Noname."

"Any name for me is better than Sansa Noname. But don't go ranting about my true identity to the Grimborns if we ever saw them, they'll probably hold me hostage to get my parents to send whatever gold they have."

"Or your mom will send an army to get you back."

"Or she'll send my older brothers who don't let anything stop them."

Dagur shrugged and tugged Ash in the direction of the stables. "So shall we go get our dragons saddled up and ready to retrieve Berk's gold?" He asked.

"Sure thing. Let's go teach those dragon hunters that no one messes with the dragon riders."


"So all of Berk's gold was hiding under our noses this entire time!" Ash laughed as Storm pulled off another piece of plaster off the hunk of gold. "Man if my mom had this much gold when she was still a khaleesi, she wouldn't had to sell my older brother Drogon to buy a slave army!"

"What kind of mom does that?!" Snotlout exclaimed.

"But she had my brother burn the man and freed the slave army. They fight for her as free men." Ash explained. "She never wanted to sell Drogon but she wasn't planning on handing him over to some greedy slave master. My brother roasted him good."

"How could a little kid do that?" Dagur asked looking asked them confused.

"Oh Drogon wasn't a kid, he was a baby dragon at the time." Ash said to him. "Hence why my mom is called the Mother of Dragons and I am the Sister of Dragons."

"I'd ask how your mom has dragons for kids but I am afraid of what your answer will be." Dagur said making a face.

"Then I'll say so later when you and Heather return." Ash said resuming the task of cutting out the gold. "And you two should take enough to help you on your journey."

"You're not stopping us?" Heather asked, looking surprised.

"Of course not, it's your choice anyways." Ash replied, turning to to her. "I made my choice to stay and fight, and you made it your choice to go with your brother to find your father."

"Well..." Heather looked at her brother before looking back to her friend. "Before we go I think my brother has something to say to you."

Dagur's face paled as Ash looked to him and quickly cleared his throat."I...I hope that we can see each other again after all this is sorted out." He said looking away embarrassed.

Heather made a face at her brother before Ash walked over to him. She placed a hand on his shoulder and leaned forward and placed a small kiss in his cheek.

"Kisha shall see each eshna save someday, Dagur Oswaldson." She said giving him a smile. "Kash kash, be sandi." 

"Uh...did you catch any of that?" Fishlegs asked the gang.

"Nope, not a thing." Tuffnut said shaking his head.

"Seriously she has to teach us that language." Snotlout said as Heather and Dagur mounted their dragons. "It's getting annoying now whenever she blurts out something in that one."

"Perhaps anha will, someday." Ash said with a chuckle. "Until then you're all stuck being baffled by my tongue."

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