Something Rotten

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"How are the preparations going?" Heather asked her brother as he was sharpening his sword.

"As usal, all good." He replied and examined the sharpened blade. "Gustav is finally graduating this program early."

"I bet he's super excited." Heather said, and frowned. "The other night I heard a noise coming from your room, like a moan."

"I hit my head."

"That sounded more like Ash."

"She accidentally hit her knee."

"On what?"

"The bed."

"And what was she doing that-"

"We weren't doing anything dirty I swear!" Dagur snapped and flung the axe, causing it to embed itself in the wall. His shoulders relaxed as he took a deep breath and slowly let it out before looking to his sister. "Ash and I were not doing anything inappropriate, and we wouldn't since you were in the room next door."

"And what if I was? Would I be expecting a niece or nephew in a few months?" Heather asked teasingly and took note of the blush that was blooming on her brother's cheeks. "Dagur, I know how you look at Ash, I've seen the way you two had been looking at each other for these past weeks. And I know what you two are going through."

"Since when are you a love expert?" Dagur asked.

"I have always been, and I put it to use when it came to Astrid and Hiccup, who are now an official couple and who are now betrothed to each other." Heather answered and smirked. "So should I be seeing a betrothal necklace hanging around our princess' neck soon?"

"Heather we're just...friends." Dagur said and frowned at her. "Now come on, we have to go and greet our friends at the entrance. Where is Ash anyways?"

"As usual, with the dragons and caring for Shattermaster."


"That wound is starting to look better now." Ash said as she rewrapped Shattermaster's bandage and patted his leg gently. "Soon you could walk better and be able to land without any difficulty."

The dragon happily nuzzled her and turned to start eating his breakfast as his rider came into the stable. Sleuther screeched hello at Dagur as Shattermaster looked up from his rocks to clumsily turn around to greet him as well.

"I was wondering where you went, I had my suspicions but I just wanted to be sure." Dagur said walking over to the princess and helped her to his feet. "You really are dedicated to caring for dragons."

"So I've been told, that's what happens when you raised three dragons since they were eggs." Ash chuckled as Shattermaster rubbed his head against her hand and she scratched him behind the ears. "Hiccup told me once that if I still couldn't find my family, I was welcome to stay on Berk and help care for the dragons there. They're building a hatchery and need someone to look after the babies when the parents are busy."

She then noticed the smile on Dagur's face falter. "Did I say something wrong?"

"Huh? No, no, it's just that you had found your real family, you can return to them." Dagur said and took her hands in his. "And I...I don't want to loose you so soon."

"I'm not leaving anytime soon Dagur, Viggo may be gone but there is still work to be done." Ash said, gently gripping his hands and looked into his eyes. "And even if I did leave, I'd always come to visit you and the others. You're all like a second family to me!"

"Ash, swear to me that you won't let anyone claim you when you return to your homeland."

"I swear on it Dagur, you're mine and I am yours. I'm not ever going to let anyone else make me theirs when my heart belongs to another."

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