Heather's News

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A/N: and from now on the main character will be referred to as Ash

"Hey, can I come in?" Ash looked up to see Heather in the doorway with a big grin on her face.

"Someone looks happy, did Fishlegs finally propose?" Ash asked teasingly.

"What? No!" Heather laughed. "But speaking of Gronckle riders, you wouldn't believe who Hiccup and I found!"

"Who was it, Oswald?" Ash asked, her interest now showing. "But he's not a Gronckle rider so it's definitely not about him unless he came to you on a Gronckle."

"Well what other Gronckle riders do you know of?"

"Aside from Fishlegs there's Berk's healer Gothi, Dagur, that one kid with the freckles and who's name sounds like a sneeze-"

"You finally guessed it."

"The kid who's name sounds like a sneeze?"

Heather rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"My brother!"

Ash's face fell and looked away. "So...he really is dead. Why were you looking so happy about that?"

"But he's not dead, he's alive!" Heather said grabbing her friend by the shoulders. "When we found him and freed Shattermaster he left to help a heard of Gronckles he was captured with!"

Ash turned right back around with a look of shock and undeniable glee in her eyes.

"And he said he'd promise to return!" Heather added with a crazy grin.

(Picture above shows how happy Ash is) Ash gave a whoop of joy and ran out of her hut. Heather raced after her to see her jumping and dancing and hugging the other dragon riders who had came to see what she was screaming about.

"He's alive! He's alive! My deranged boy is alive!" She shrieked as she ran to the dragons and started hugging them all. "He's alive and promised to return!"

"Okay who gave her sugar?" Astrid asked as Ash went back to giving the riders hugs.

"I told her the great news, my brother is alive and he's coming back soon."

"I didn't think she'd be this happy though." Hiccup said with a chuckle as the princess ran past them with Chicken in her arms. "But who wouldn't be happy to hear that news?"

"Viggo and Ryker obviously." Astrid answered. "I haven't seen her this happy and hyper since she received that letter from her friend Rose.

"Bet if it was the other way around my brother would have been dancing on the rooftops of our huts." Heather said as Ash grabbed Smudge and started dancing with him. "And probably dancing with Shattermaster or Chicken."

"Well she's finally out of her brooding and serious mood that rarely lifts, she looks like her dad when she's like that." Snotlout said when he approached them. "And we could use the extra muscle on the team."

"But where's he gonna sleep?" Fishlegs asked.

"He can sleep in my hut! Shattermaster can sleep with my dragons in their bed and I can sleep on the floor and give him my bed!" Ash suggested with enthusiasm.

"Uh he could sleep in my hut..." Hiccup said. "But we'll ask him when he comes back.

"Right! From today on we clean up the Edge till Dagur gets here! Everything must be spotless and perfect!" Ash declared before rushing off to get brooms.

"She's worst than Tuffnut when Gruffnut came." Ruffnut said making a face but smiled. "But she has a reason to be so excited, he's her crush after all.

"He's not my crush!" They heard Ash yell. "He's my best guy friend who is back from the dead! He is not my sun and stars! Oh gods I sound like my mother!"

"How long is she gonna keep denying that?" Ruffnut asked her brother.

"Until Dagur kisses her or is so pressured she ends up spilling the beans." Her twin answered. "Of course we wouldn't mind that right?"

"Well his crush for her was all too obvious, so the kiss is bound to happen." Heather said nodding in agreement. "Let's give my brother a hand when he returns to the base."

"I am with you on that." Tuffnut said grinning.

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