A Promise We Can Keep

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A/N: Okay so DWAnmations announced that the new season of Race To The Edge will be posted in February, I decided to write a little something to keep those of you who are reading this from getting bored.

Note: This chapter is not linked to the story

"Do I have to talk to this boy?" Ash asked her mother as she finished brushing her hair. "I know his father is suppose to be polite, but I don't want to talk to his son! Have you heard of the things he does?"

"It will only be for an hour or so Ash, your father and I will be talking to Oswald the Agreeable about some peace terms we want to make. I promise after this we'll go to Berk or one of those dragon friendly tribes where you can play with your older brothers."

"Please tell me there won't be any marriage proposals floating around in that conversation you and father will have." Ash groaned.

"There won't be any." Daenerys promised. "But if Oswald mentions one we'll discuss about it with the both of you."

"I hate arranged marriages, Rose and I despise them." Ash said wrinkling her nose in disgust. "I do hope that I don't have to marry him."

"Who knows dear, who knows."


"This is boring!" Dagur complained as Ash wove another flower into the small crown she was making that she had placed on his head. "I thought girls from the north of Westros were suppose to be more interesting!"

"Well my mother wouldn't let me bring my sword with me so I can't be 'interesting' as you put it." Ash said smacking his head. "Now hold still or you'll make me mess up and I'll have to do the whole thing all over again. "Besides, you'd be complaining if I beat you in sword fighting anyways."

"No you would be the one to be complaining." Dagur said correcting her. "I'm the best sword fighter on this island at this age!"

"Well I had numerous teachers who were willing to teach me. Mysa and father thought it was a good idea for me to know how to defend myself, so they let two of their best knights teach me. Brienne says I was going much better than her when I first started." Ash said as she wove another flower into the crown. "I made some boys throw a fit when I beat them in sword fighting and they had been training far longer than I have."

"You know, we can sneak into the armory and head to the sword fighting arena." Dagur suggested and turned his head to give her a mischievous grin.

"But won't we get in trouble?" Ash asked, raising an eyebrow. "And also my mother told me not to-"

"Who cares? Besides, it's not like we're going to kill anyone." Dagur said putting a finger on Ash's lips to silent her. Her eyes narrowed but remained quiet.

'Ugh I'm going to regret this.' She thought. 'But if we're caught I won't be the one wearing the flower crown.'


"You're actually pretty good at this." Dagur said as Ash blocked another one of his swings. "And I've been practicing since I was ten!"

"Well I've been training since I was ten as well, but I've had more than one teacher." Ash explained as she blocked another attack. "I have learned a few different fighting techniques all in the span of six years."

"So you mastered them all in six years? Seems like you have a lot of time on your hands and don't do your princess studies." Dagur said in a playfully scolding tone

"I do too do my royal studies!" Ash shot back and managed to smack him on the hand with the flat of her sword, causing him to yelp and drop his weapon. "Just because I was born a princess and raised in a castle does not mean I have to just sit still and look pretty and be obedient to every single thing my parents tell me! I can be a fighter, women of my mother's line were skilled fighters on the backs of dragons!"

"Newsflash: no one can truly ride a dragon." Dagur said rubbing his hand and gave her a glare. "It's unheard of and no one really likes the idea of it."

"Well if our parents decide on a marriage between us I'll tame hundreds of dragons to prove you wrong!" Ash said putting her hands on her hips. "But then again who ever heard of a Targaryen marrying someone who kills dragons?"

"An excellent question my dear, but it is one that we have much time to find out." The two teens turned to see a short blonde haired man walk into the arena with a tall and towering dark haired man.

"What do you mean uncle Tyrion?" Ash asked, turning to her uncle and looked at the other man. "Ser what did my uncle mean by this?"

"Both your parents and his father have decided to marry you two off." The Hound responded.

"NO!!!" the two teens shrieked.

"Oh yes, in four years you two will be getting married. So deal with it." Tyrion said and gave his niece a sympathetic look. "Don't worry my dear, not all arranged marriages are bad. Look at your mother's first marriage and your great-uncle Ned's marriage, the  couple end up liking each other."

"Yeah well Cersi and Robert's marriage went sour as well as-"

"This marriage will be different, I promise." Tyrion said cutting her off and turned to Dagur. "I expect you to treat my niece as well as if she was one of your women. If you don't, I will not hesitate to slap you and let the Hound cut your manhood off and feed it to the direwolves."


"Ugh this is the worst day of my life!" Dagur groaned as he flopped down on his bed. "I have to get married to that...woman in four years! And on top of that, I was threatened by a man no taller than my waist!"

He laid there in his bed and his thoughts strayed to Ash. Despite the fact that he disliked her, there were some things he did like about her, like how she was a good swordfighter and she ask for him to go easy on her. And on top of that she was quite pretty too, with her long white hair that looked like silver and her violet eyes, she had what his father said was the Targaryen look.

'Maybe this marriage won't be so bad.' He thought as he felt his face grow a bit warm. 'Perhaps we can attempt to settle our differences and be a happy and peaceful couple like her uncle said we could be. We've only got four years so...maybe we can try to be friends and get used to each other.'


~Four Years Later~

Dagur stood on the deck of his ship and kept glancing up at the horizon, scanning the sea for a familiar ship with the black sails with the red three headed dragon painted on it.

'What's taking her so long?' He wondered. 'I just hope her ship didn't crash and she and her family are alright.'

After a few more minutes, the sound of a dragon roar reached his ears. Dagur looked up to see a large green shape flying towards the ship. Could that be...no...oh yes it was! The shape got closer and he could see it was a large green dragon that looked about twice times the size of the Reaper with golden colored wings and with a girl sitting in it's back. It flew overhead quite close to the ship and flipped itself so it was belly up and the girl immediately leapt off and landed in a crouching position on the ship's deck.

She wore a dark brown dress with a slit in the front with black leggings and black boots that went up to mid calf with a necklace of dragon teeth around her neck and her silver hair braided up and tossed over one shoulder. She stood up and dusted herself off before turning to Dagur with a smile.

"It's been too long now old friend." She said, her violet eyes studying him and taking in his new appearance.

"Indeed it has, four years to be exactly and you're a whole lot different looking than the last time we saw each other." Dagur said giving her a cocky grin. "I can't wait to see how well of a wife you'll be, Ashaeya."

"We'll see in time, in the mean time we must prepare for the ceremony." Ash said as the dragon flew by them again and dropped her things onto the deck. "My parents already chose the meeting place to where the wedding would be held."

"It'd be much easier here on the ship, but I shall respect your parents wishes." Dagur said slipping an arm around her slim waist and began walking to head below the deck. "In the mean time, let's catch up on what we missed these past four years."

"I like the sound of that."

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