look familiar....

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RayRay: Alright Ya'll! Thanks for coming out tonight to the...


Kamiyah: NOO! Don't go Ray!.....*whispers* I love you.... <3

*Curtain Closes and crazy mindless fans RUN out the theatre doors*

Nicole: Girl you need to calm down! You really think a 2 braided short lil' boy want yu!? Ha! You got jokes! 

Kamiyah: -_- 

Nicole: Girl, yu know I'm just playin'!  Lets go find yo mama. 


Kamiyah's Mom (Tyra): *looks to the right of the stage and notices somebody...somebody she knew b4*  *Thinks* Monique? From high-school? My best friend? What is she doing at a Mindless Behavior concert ...*gets excited* BACKSTAGE? IS THIS REAL?

Kamiyah: Hey Mom

Nicole, Tiara, and Raven: Hi Mrs. Greene!

Tyra: Did you girls enjoy the concert?

Tiara: OMG! YESS!! I made a 2 seccond eye contact with Prodigy!!!

Raven: Who cares! Roc blew a kiss to me! 

Kamiyah: You think you got it good? AHA!  RayRay bent down dead in the center and pointed at me and winked! *sigh* I will always remember those 2 secconds when Prodigy said "smiley with a wink" and Ray winked at me!

Nicole: Ok we ALL kno none of dat is tru! And Ave (pronouced Aye-V aka Raven) how yu gone say Roc blew you a kiss?Stop lyin'!

Raven: Hey you can't blame me!

Everybody laughed.

Tyra: Ok we need to go it's 10:26 on a school night! Vominous! 

The Girls: OK.

*Murmurs from the girls eurpts as they slowly inched themselves through the crowd.*

Tyra: *Thinks* Dang! That really looks like Monique! I need to look through my H.S yearbook!

*Tyra drives on the highway while listening to the girls recaping what they saw during the concert*

Nicole: ooo Princeton looked so hot when he pulled off his shades and pulled back those blac-sican curly locks! Mmm I was about to go up on that stage and take that boy home!!!

Raven: Did you see Roc's smile tho like ooo!

Kamiyah: No ya'll didnt see RayRay sweat tho? I would drink that!

Everyone: Ew -_- really? 

Nicole: You gone get some type uh desease if you drink mess ;) 

Everybody laughs. Next thing you know Tyra pulls up to Raven's house. They all wave good bye and good night and Raven says "Thank you Mrs.Greene. Take care! " :)

Tiara: You know what guys...I have a feeling about this but..*says dreamy* Wouldnt it be cool if we all met Mindless Behavior...and they flirted with us...and we went out!!!

10 Seccond moment of silence....

Nicole: ..YEP! Honey you gon' need some jesus christ if yu want that to happen!

Nicole and Kamiyah burst out laughing.

Tiara: Hey! If it happens then ima gonna say i told yu so.

*Tyra pulls into Tiara's driveway and they all wave goodnight and Tiara says "Thanks! Good Night!*

Tyra: Next stop Nicole's house

Kamiyah: Hey mom, can Nicole have a sleepover at our house 2night?

Tyra: *Sigh* sure y not.

Kamiyah: Thanks m-

Tyra: Don't get tooo excited! You guys need to be in bed by 11:30! And thats final!

Kamiyah: Ok -_-

Tyra: Nicole, Call or text your mom to see if its ok to stay.

Nicole: Mkay. *Picks up her phone and calls her mom*  Hola Mama!

[Phone convo]

Nicoles mom: Hola Nicole. Te ha gustado el concierto? (Hello Nicole. Did you like the concert?)

Nicole: Si Mama. Esta bien que me pase la noche en casa esta noche Kamiyah es? (Yes Mama. Is it ok that I spend the night at Kamiyah's house tonight?)

Nicoles mom: Si esta bien con Tyra entonces su problema con  eso. Simplemente mueve a recoger  tus cosas. (If it's ok with Tyra then it's fine with me. Just swing by to pick up your stuff.)

Nicole: Oooo Gracias a mama! Te Amo! (Oooo Thank you Mama! Love you!) *Hangs up phone.) 

[Phone Convo ends]

Nicole: Looks like a YES!

Kamiyah: YESS!!

*Tyra stops infront of Nicoles house*

Tyra: You girls have 5 minutes to pack up your stuff or Kamiyah and I are leaving! Hurry!

*The girls gets out, packs Nicoles stuff quickly, and head to Kamiyah's house.*

*They arrive 5 minutes later.*

Tyra: Alright girls I hate to be a buzz kill but you girls have 10 minutes to brush your teeth and face, get in ur pj's, and lay out all your clothes for tomorrow.

Kamiyah and Nicole: Alright! Thanks ! :)

*The girls do what they are told and they lay in Kamiyah's bed talking about Mindless Behavior.

Nicole: Remember what Tiara said....about how cool would it be to meet MB?

Kamiyah: Yeah...*yawns*...what about it?

Nicole: Really think about it...HOW cool would that be...I can already see it...*closes eyes and images..)Princeton and I share our very 1st kiss yumm....

Kamiyah: *Snaps in Nicoles face* Snap out of it!

Nicole: But what if it DOES happen?.....damn...that would b a m a z i n g !

Kamiyah: Mayb if we pray to god about it...mayb he'll answer our call.

Nicole: Oooo good Idea! *Clears throat* Ahem. Dear Lord, Jesus *says in a black pastor way *Kamiyah giggles* We by here come to you today to please help us have encounters with Mindless Behavior. OOHHH LORD JESUS!!! *They both crack up!* Please! I'll do anythang in yo holy name! IN JESUS NAME WE PRAY.....A MAN!!!! *Acting normal*  does that help?

Kamiyah: You crazy foo! Ight..ima go to sleep now....

Nicole: Did yu have to annouce it...just sayin'! 

Kamiyah: ughh....Nicole..

Later that night...

*Tyra rumbles through her High School memories bin. She flips through her senior year section and BAM There it is in plain sight! 

Tyra: No! It can't be!!! 

What did Tyra find and why is it important? How does Tyra's discovery help the girls?  Did she really find what she was looking for? How was Tiara able to have a "feeling" that they JUST MIGHT b able to meet MB? Is THAT Tiara's secret? Read on to see what's next.....comment if you liked it and tell everybody about this story!!!

Lost and Found: A Mindless Behavior Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now