Our world is Crashing Down...

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Thanks for the comments! Keep them comming! Now back to the story! (listen to HYFR by Drake while reading this..the beat just feels like it goes with teh theme..IDK y...)


5:00 a.m

Sasha: Get the hell up! *starts banging on Tiara's door and all of Tiara's siblings doors too*

Tiara wakes up and gets ready for school. As Tiara walks down the steps-

Sasha: oh yea and yu can walk yo ass to school in the rain.

Tiara: But its like a 30 minute walk-

Sasha: Ha! Thats y I woke u up so early! Think!

Tiara walks to school in the pooring rain with no umbrella or jacket and she softly cries...


Tiara walks right past her friends and goes into the library to read.

Kamiyah: Whats up with her?

Raven: i dont kno, but thanks 2 yu I got all my computer, ipod, and phone privalages taken away for a month.

Nicole: I just got yelled at...

Kamiyah: Look. Im sorry guys for dragging yu guys in this situation...its all my fault...I'll make it up to yu guys...someday

Raven: All i kno is that its not gone b soon cuhs I can only go to and from school for the next month.

Kamiyah: Man I feel so bad...hol up Imma b right back...

Kamiyah walks to the library and finds Tiara.

Kamiyah: Hey t...yu ok..?

Tiara: Just go away...I think its best that we dont talk for awhile...

Kamiyah: What?

Tiara: Yes..I just need time to regroup myself...just breathe...

Kamiyah: Look Im sorry..

Tiara: Just go please...

Kamiyah walks out of the Library and back to Raven and Nicole.

Kamiyah: she said she needs time away from us....

Raven: Really?

Nicole: Why?

Kamiyah: I dont kno...she wouldnt tell me...I feel so bad...

*bell rings*

Kamiyah: Alright I'll talk to yu guys at lunch.


Kamiyah goes home to her mom talking on the phone.

Tyra: Look...yes..I kno I kno...wer just going thro a rough time right now...We'll have your money by the 30th. I kno I said that before.......jail!? We'll have it we'l have it! *hangs up the phone and sighs in stress. She sits down and rubs her preggo belly.*

Kamiyah: Oh hey ma *as she walks in the office*

Tyra: *stressed voice* Hi Kamiyah

Kamiyah: Yu ok?

Tyra: I'm fine.

Kamiyah: Yu dont seem like it...

Tyra: Kamiyah not right now!

Kamiyah: Oh Im sorry

Tyra: Just go study or something!

Kamiyah: Sorry.... *walks to her room and thinks about what she heard her mom say on the phone* 

Kamiyah's thoughts

What did she mean by Jail? Whats going on? Are we having money issues? No shit Kamiyah she just said we'll have yur money for nothing. I hope everythings ok....I'm scared...

W/ Raven 

Raven: Hey Braison

Braison (Raven's 21 year old brother): Hey sis...

Raven: Whats wrong?

Braison: Umm...we have a family situation...

Raven: *panics* Whats wrong?

Braison: *starts panic crying* Get in the car!

Ravena nd Braison get into the car and drive to the hospital. During the ride millions of negative situations roll thro Ravens mind...

Braison checks into the hospital and they go down the hall to 302.

Raven walks into the room and breaks down. Her knees hit the floor and she covers her face with her hands. She has her break down for about another 10 minutes while her brother rubs her back crying with her.

Braison: He's going to be ok...god is on our side..he'll be ok...Dont worry he'll be alright.

Raven finally has the courage to get up and walk over to her father in the hospital sleeping.

Raven: I love you daddy...Dont go please...*cries even more*

(Ravens father had a sudden heart attack and is on life support)

Braison: He's gonna b ok...*goes over to hug Raven as they cry together*

W/ Nicole

Nicoles mom (Siena): Nicole come here please. Family meeting.

Nicole: yeah whats going on?

Siena: So me and Carlos are starting to become pretty serious about our relationship and he proposed to me.

Nicole: WHAT!?

Siena nods her head.

Nicole: Are kidding me!? SO now Imma have 3 step brothers and sisters.

Siena: But yu love Roselie (14), Anthony (16), and Miranda (18).

Nicole: NO! I Hate thier guts! They always say that yu use Carlos for his money! They hate yu! And Miranda says stuff how I can't model just because shes is a hollister model. Anthony always punches and tackles me like its a joke, but it hurts! And Roselie is super snobby cuhs she always comes her stuff to mine. Like "well I have a 1,550 Loui and yu have a $50 swap meet knock off. Yu dont undertsand! (BTW Nicole is a girl that really wants to b a picture and runway model one day) 

Siena: *sighs*

Nicole: I hate yu! *runs to her room and locks her door* 


SO it seems everybody's world is crashing down..one...by...one....Kamiyah's mom stressed and sumthing else...Tiara's secret at home abuse....Raven's father in the hospital...and Nicoles mom getting remarried....Comment what yu think and feel! #StayMindless 1-4-3 -Ashley<3

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