Friends? Or More Than That?

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OOO so lets see what Kamiyah and Daniel talkin about.


Daniel: SO yur name is Kamiyah right?

Kamiyah: Yes sir

Daniel: Well I'm Daniel. And yu just moved here right?

Kamiyah: litterally 20 minutes ago.

Daniel: Wow..where did yu live before?

Kamiyah: On top of Brideport Hill.

Daniel: Where all the rich people are?

Kamiyah: Yeah

Daniel: What are you doing here then?

Kamiyah: Well long story short I lost my house.... *looks away and tears up*

Daniel: Well I'm sorry to hear that.

Kamiyah: No its ok

Daniel: How long have yu lived there?

Kamiyah: My whole life.

Daniel: Dang..thats about 12 years huh? 

Kamiyah:   :o *playfully punches his arm* No! Actually 15 years!

Daniel: Dang yur short for a 15 year old.

Kamiyah: Hush! haha. How old are you?

Daniel: 16.

Kamiyah: whens yur birthday?

Daniel: March 29th

Kamiyah: Oh happy Birthday!

Daniel: ha ha thanks

Kamiyah: Do yu have yur drivers license?

Daniel: yeah I got it yesterday!

Kamiyah: Congrats!

Daniel: Wanna see it?

Kamiyah: sure

Daniel shows her the picture and Kamiyah love sighs when she see's his picture.

Daniel: Umm..Kamiyah? YU ok?

Kamiyah: Oh I'm good

Daniel: Jus checkin. So what school do yu go to?

Kamiyah: Brideport High

Daniel: I was about to go to that school, but I go to Southside High.

Kamiyah: Why didnt yu go to Bridgeport?

Daniel: Cuhs Southside High is like 7 minutes away instead of 15 minutes away.

Kamiyah: true. Do yu play sports

Daniel: I play a little basketball ocassionally, but Ima gamer.

Kamiyah: (I knew it!!!) Thats cool too....yu kno i play a little video games.

Daniel: Come on. 

Kamiyah: no really I got hands!

Daniel: We'll challenge that later!

Kamiyah: Why later when we can do that now?

Daniel: Ok my house. now.

Kamiyah: Yur on! Ma I'm going over Daniels house to play Call Of Duty.

Tyra: k

They walk down to Daniels house and start playing Call of Duty.

Daniel: I'll go easy on you.

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