Do I love him, or do I not? Do I love him, or do I not? Do I love him...?

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Kamiyahs POV

Shit my face hurts! I think my teeth are bleeding and my hair is a mess! Imma go to the bathroom. I step into the bathroom and look into the mirror. I was a mess. My hair was wild, I had 5 stratches in a row that resembled to a tiger claw dragged across my right cheek. And my teeth wer red from my gums bleeding bcuhs of Brooke's blow at my mouth. I washed out my teeth and started brushing them. yes i kno what yur thinking, y do I have a tooth brush in my bag. To answer that, lets just say love fresh breathe. Anyways, I pulled out my brush and brushed my hair down and luckily it curled right back up. One thing I loved aboutt my hair; it would curl back up even if it was messed up. Then I took a paper towel and slowly wiped my scar across my right cheek. Ouch! It stinged. I wiped off the runing blood until it was just a wound. Then I put makeup over it so it wouldnt look that bad. In just 3 minutes i looked picture perfect. 

For the rest of the day I was quiet and low key, though people still was like are you ok? I always asked myself why am I always the victim? No matter how nice I am, I'm always the one with lots of people hating me and wanting to bring me down. Why? Once It was afterschool I waiting quietly and lonely for Daniel to come pick me up. 

End Of POV

15 minutes after the bell...

Kamiyah saw Daniels car and ran towards it and hopped in. 

Daniel: Hey

Kamiyah: hi...can you drive now?

Daniel: You ok?

Kamiyah: Yes now drive

Daniel: I know that face. What happend?

Kamiyah: Everybody knows...

Daniel: knows what?

Kamiyah: my secret..

Daniel: How did they find out?

Kamiyah tells him everything up into the end of the fight. 

Daniel: When we get home Imma take you to my house to properly take care of this scar.

Kamiyah: Thanks

They drive home

At Daniels front door

Daniel opens his door and his mom is helping Sofie with her math homework.

Daniel: Hey ma, hey sof

Sofie: Sup

Mulan: hello

Kamiyah: Hi Mrs.Wendel and Hi Sofie

Mulan: Hello Kamiyah. How are you today?

Kamiyah: Just like what my shirt says..'Rollin with the punches'

Mulan: Hang in there girl

Sofie: Hi Kamiyah

Daniel: Follow me Kamiyah

Kamiyah follows Daniel into a bathroom. Daniel takes out a wash cloth and runs it under hot water. He takes it and puts it on Kamiyah's cheek. 

Kamiyah: Thanks

Daniel: Your welcum. You have chubby cheeks *he pokes the un-hurt cheek with his finger and smiles at her looking deeply in her eyes* 

Kamiyah: Hahha thanks? *gives a 'ok-thats-random laugh*

Daniel: ok now *goes to under the sink and gets peroxide and a cotton ball. He puts peroxide on the cotton ball and gently strokes it across Kamiyah's cheek.*

Kamiyah: ouch. ouch! That hurts a little bit.

Daniel releases the cotton ball from her face.

Daniel: You ok?

Kamiyah: yeah just keep going

Daniel rubs it more and puts bandades on her scratch. 

Kamiyah: Thank you best friend! 

Daniel: You can count on me. Alright wanna go to yur house now?

Kamiyah: kay

Daniel: mom wer going over Kamiyah's house

Mulan: Ok be back by 4:30

Daniel and Kamiyah leave and go to Kamiyah's house.

Kamiyah: Want a snack? *walks into kitchen*

Daniel: sure what do you got? *sits at the bar*

Kamiyah: Lets see! It was grocery shopping daayyy!!!!

Daniel: haha

Kamiyah: Umm.. we have cheezits! Yayy! fruit roll ups, doritoes, gold fish, granola bars, jello, pretzels, cookies, and popsicles.

Daniel: i'll have jello and cheezits please.

Kamiyah: Coming right up! *gets 2 jellos and the box of cheezits and splits some in 2 bowls.*

Daniel: thank you

Kamiyah: Fa sho! *sits next to him at the bar*

Daniel: Hey bet you cant catch this in your mouth?

Kamiyah: Bet I can *throws up a cheezit and catches it perfectly in her mouth* 

Daniel: I stand corrected. Here catch *throws a cheezit at her nose*

Kamiyah: Ah! How rude! (sounding like Rudy off of The Cosby Show) *throws one at his forehead*

Daniel: Ow meanie! 

Kamiyah: Callin me a meanie? Coming from the person that threw one at my nose! Be nice! *sticks her tongue out*

Daniel: Fine then 

Daniel gentley places a cheezit in Kamiyah's mouth.

Daniel: Better?

Kamiyah: Much better

Once thier food fight is over they start homework and Daniel helps Kamiyah with her biology homework. Then he goes home at 4:30. 

Later that night...

Kamiyah's POV

Come on Kamiyah! Make a decision do you still love Ray? Of course I do! but at the same time..Daniel thats all I can think about...shit..da fukk am I gonna do..? I'm falling hard for Daniel and I know he is too, but Ray. I still love him. I can't let him go...I'm so confused. Do I love him, or do I not? Do I love him, or do I not? Do I love him, or do I not? Do I love him, or do I not? Do I love him, or do I not? Do I love him......???


Thanks for reading! Let me know what you guys think in a comment. More specifically how do you guys feel about Kamiyah falling for Daniel. And who do you personally think is a better couple? RayRay+kamiyah= Team Kay Kay or Daniel+Kamiyah= Team Danyah? #StayMindless 1-4-3 -Ash<3

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