What happens behind Tiara's doors...

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Enjoy :) And thanks 4 the comments guys keep it up! :)


Sasha: What the fuck is going thro yo god damn mind!

Tiara starts sobbing

Tiara: I dont kno! I'm sorry! Dont hurt me please!

Sasha goes over to Tiara and slaps her in face so hard she falls to the ground and knocks over a vase.

Sasha: What did I tell yu about Boys! *smacks Tiara back with her fist*

Tiara cries even more

Tiara: I'm sorry ok!

Sasha: Sorry aint gonna keep them away from yu! *punches Tiara in the eye and stomach*

Tiara falls to the ground nearly throwing up

Sasha beats Tiara repeatly while Tiara is hopelessly on the floor.

Tiara: Please stop!

Sasha: This aint over!

Sasha pulls Tiara's hair and throws her against the wall.

Sasha: This is what yu get and deserve! Your ruined my life, now I'm ruining yurs! Now get up!

Tiara gets up kinda wobbliy.

Sasha pushes her against the wall and holds her by her neck. Tiara is gasping for air and soon becomes light headed.

Sasha: I never wanted you! You wer a mistake and I guess mistaskes make mistakes! Worthless....just worthless! Give me your phone, computer, ipod, ipad, T.V everything! Your living under my roof and you dont deserve anything! 

Tiara: I want my dad!

Sasha: TOO BAD! Your daddy is all the way in Texas with his other wife and kids And yur stuck here with me! Deal with it!

Tiara gasps for more air until she blacks out against the wall.

2 hours later...

Tiara wakes up in her foyay (cant spell) covered in blood coming from her back and her right cheek. Her hair is messed up and she has 6 bruises on her legs, arms, stomach, forehead, back, and shoulder blade. She slowly walks up stairs and locks herself in her room. She goes under her bed and pulls out a knife. Tiara lays up against her bed and starts crying. SWIPE!

Tiara: *screams but sucks up the pain*


Tiara: I'm sorry daddy....


Tiara: I never meant to mess up your life...


Tiara: I miss yu...


Tiara: I love you....


Tiara: Please....


Tiara: Come back home....

Tiara cuts her arms, ankles, and below her belly button for 30 more minutes. She runs to her bathroom to wash off the blood and the knife. She puts on her pajamas and cries herself to sleep...


Wow...that was...wow....poor Tiara...comment what yu think and feel....#StayMindless 1-43    -Ashley<3

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