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There it was : Monique Smith 

*Tyra that night goes to sleep that night trying to put together everything*

Tyra:*Thinks* ....Mindless Behavior concert...Monique backstage....what would she be doing back there?

*She goes to sleep with those thoughts circling her mind.*

*Next Morning- 6:40 a.m*


Kamiyah: ow! damn! really? 

Nicole: *yawns!**says really fast*  Buenos dias! estoy listo para mi panqueques!!! (Good Morning! I'm ready for my pancakes! )*looks around* Kamiyah? Where did yu go?

Kamiyah: Uh...i dont kno mayb im ON THE FLOOR becuase you sleep kicking and rolling around!

Nicole: Oh im sorry! *giggles*

Kamiyah: Its Ok. Anyway  like we all kno, today is Mindless Monday and we are wearing our MB Chalked T-shirt, your #1 girl wristbands oo yeah and dont 4get yur white hollister jacket. 

Nicole: Got it!

Tyra: Hey girls wake up! :) Make the bed, take your showers, get dressed, brush your teeth...etc. and I'll be downstairs making breakfast you guys have until 8:00 so thats an 1 hour and 20 minutes before I drop you girls off at school....hey do you girls happen to kno the last names of any guy in mindless behavior?

Nicole: Of course I do! Let me break it down for you Mrs. Green! 1st you got Prodigy aka Craig Johnson. Then Princeton, mine, aka Jacob Perez.. Then Roc aka Trey Young. Last you have RayRay whose name is Raquan Smith. (Supposely thier real names)

Tyra: *Thinking face* hmm...ok thanks :) remember 1 hour and 20 minutes!

Kamiyah: K thanks mom! Bye! OK Nicole get in the shower and ya ya ya you kno the drill! Just please dont take more than 30 minutes!

Nicole: Mkay. *Grabs her MB t-shirt, skinnies, and white vans and white hollister jacket and goes to Kamiyah's bathroom to shower.)

Kamiyah: *Picks up her new iphone 4s that she got for christmas, and texts Raven and Tiara to make sure they where thier MB Chalked T-shirt and blue skinny jeans, and white vans 1/ white hollister jacket.*

[Text convo]

[That'sSoRaven] Raven: You got it. Thanks for bringing me to the concert last night!

[*PrincessTiara*] Tiara: Ya thanks girl. And I got my stuff now.

[Mi-Mi] (prounced my-my) Kamiyah: Np :) and k.

[End of Text Convo]

Kamiyah: *Makes her bed, brushes her hair, and cleans up her room a little bit*

Nicole: *Walks out fully dressed, brushed teeth, washed face, fresh with her favorite scent Pretty&Pure by Pink.* Can i use your pink curling iron?

Kamiyah: Sure. *Pulls it out for Nicole* Here. *Walks to her bathroom takes her shower, brushes her teeth..etc.* *20 minutes later she walks out looking amazing..as usual* How should I have my hair today? *sits at her hair station* 

Nicole:  Straight with your bangs curled. *finishes curling her hair like ocean waves.*

Kamiyah: K . (Curles her bangs and puts on a star earings, RayRay's #1 girl wrist band, and her customized necklace that says RayRay in Cursive.) 

Nicole: *Puts on her peace necklace, peace ring,and her Princetons's Mrs.Right wristband and diamond stud earings* 

Kamiyah: Ok lets go downstairs to eat.

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