Conjunction Household #1 Girl Tour Kick off!

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I wake up to Hunter crying. Perfect. I get up and go to the baby room and Hunter is laying in her crib.

me: shh! shh! Stop crying baby girl.

I  pick her up from her crib and put her on my hip and walk out before she wakes up Hayden and Hazel. I take her in the kitchen and get out a bottle. We sit on the couch and i feed her the bottle. And finally the crying stops. 5 minutes later when shes done, I have a little talk with her.

me: Hey. Why do yu cry so much? huh? yu just love to wake me up dont yu? When we get older yur gonna thank me for this. *kisses her cheek*

I take her back to the baby room and put her in the crib. I go to take a shower and when i get out I put on a yellow sweat suit with my yellow, black, and white jordans. I decided to go to the complex's gym afterall, I was going to exspose my body to RayRay and 100 other famous people apart of the Conjunction family. 

Once I get down the gym, I start on the treadmil. I started slow then I kicked it up to level 8; 2nd to the fastest level. I turned on music; Crew Love by Drake and put it on replay. The song really just spoke to me in a way I cannot describe. Its just one of those songs. As I kept running, I thought about what happend yesterday. About how Daniel was talking and acting around me after I told him about my dream. 

Nobody knows this, not even Nicole, but my dreams. Have a powerful effect on my real life. But not all the time. If I dream about getting something that I really want, soon it will come. For instance, when I turned 14 I really needed somebody to talk to about my annorexia so I wished for a sister to talk to. At the time nobody; not even Nicole, could know. (Of course, eventaully I told her!) Anyway, I had a dream about a girl that was 15 that was my sister and I told her about my problems. A year later I have 2 sisters and a brother. That wasnt nessasarily my invision but I still got a sister. Another example, I had a dream about me and RayRay going out 4 nights before the concert I went to back in January. Soon we did go out. This is why I am so scared. What if I really do end up with Daniel? I mean, he's a really cool guy, but I honestly dont know at this moment this is the person I wanna spend the rest of my life with. Its just too much right now. 

After I got off the tredmil, I took a look in the mirror. I was sweating. Gross. Then I noticed that I had a pretty nice figure. My hips werent too wide, but I still had shape. And my stomach was flat with sides that flared out. Hmm...I guess I could be a cheerleader.

I continued working out doing sit-ups and crunches until it was 8. I went back to my apartment and showered again to get ready for the family brunch my mom planned so my grandparents could meet the triplets. I put on a bubblegum pink sheer high low button up shirt with a black bandeu and dark wash demin jeans. 

Tyra: Kamiyah can yu dress Hayden while im doing Hazel?

me: yeah 

I take hayden's blue one piece and put it on him. Surprisingly, he didnt fight back considering how rough i thought i was putting it on him. I put on his matching polo shoes and put him in the stroller. My parents, the triplets, and I all all headed out to a nice restraunt for lunch. 

When we got there we met up with my grandparents that were drooling over the triplets. I mean DAMN! the first moment they saw them my grandma Adrianne was in there faces playing peek a boo and silly faces. It was werid. Ive seen people go "goo-goo" over babies before, but I honestly think I felt this way because I wasnt in the spotlight. Now I know what your thinking "cant yu just give the spotlight to them a bit. JEEZ!". But I was always the one who got the spotlight. In dance I was always in the front. At home I always got rewarded for little stuff. And at school, people always looked up to me. But finally at this one time in my life, I was in the back. The cold, dusty, back where nobody could find me unless they tried. I just wasnt used to this feeling. But I decided to brush off the feeling becuase I knew it wasnt about me and one day I would except that. 

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