The Ones That Were Meant to Be

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Thanks for the great feed back from last chapter :D keep it up! Oh yeah and follow me on instagram @ ilivemindlessly!


They get into the tour bus and Roc and Raven have there moment...more like make out session, while Prince and Prod just chill, on the way to Nicoles house to pick her up.

Kamiyah goes over to Prod and talks to him in private.

Kamiyah: Look I'm sorry Prod, but um..Tiara isnt going too come with us.

Prod: Aww why not?

Kamiyah: Well shes going thorugh stuff right now and we havent talked to her in like 3 weeks.

Prod: Damnn..I miss her...I want to see her again...

Kamiyah: Im so sorry *tightly hugs Prod* I feel sooo bad

Prod: Hey dont worry its not yur fault..I'll be alright

Kamiyah: yu sure?

Prod: Yeah its ok *flashes her a smile*

Kamiyah: Yu can hang out with me and RayRay for the day. I bet he wont mind.

Prod: Ok.

They go back to the group

Roc and Raven sit by the window hand in hand talking...looking all cute together <3 Princeton and Prod just chill talkin' and RayRay and Kamiyah sit on the other side of the bus at the window.

W/ Kamiyah and RayRay

RayRay looks pissed like he wants to slap the shit out of Daniel.

Kamiyah: You ok baby?

RayRay: Hell naw

Kamiyah: He's just jelous of you

RayRay: He crossed the line talkin bout 'I kissed her better than that ma nigga!', squeezin' my hand, and tryna act all hard cuhs he plays basketball. Like sit your ass down. Last time I checked I got more than 200,000 girls. You aint nobody.

Kamiyah: But  how could he say that to you. Your my boyfriend and he needs to respect that. Who does that?

RayRay: I don't know. But i dont even care if he appologized for kissing you. If he ever disrespects me or you we gone have some serious problems. He got me fucked up.

Kamiyah: *rests her head on his shoulder and sighs* Imma talk to him about it later. But right now its just you and me. We need to catch up on life!

RayRay: yeah your right...yu start

They start talking about how thier last 2 weeks have been. Kamiyah tells him about what happend to Tiara and the fight.

Kamiyah: Can I tell you a secret?

RayRay: yeah go ahead

Kamiyah: but yu have to promise 2 never say anything.

RayRay: I promise baby

Kamiyah: A year ago I was annorexic...

RayRay: Whatttttttt??? Your serious?

Kamiyah nods her head

RayRay: Baby I'm so sorry to hear that. *he lays Kamiyah's head on his lap. leans down and kiss her*

Kamiyah: I'm sorry I didnt  tell you sooner..

RayRay: Its ok, its ok. Sometimes you want to make sure that before you tell your secrets, that its the right person.

Kamiyah: True..very true *thinks: Then why did I tell Daniel so early in our friendship?*

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