Paaarrtttaaay! (part 3)

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Now it's the time yu have all been waiting for!


3: 20 p.m

Kamiyah showers again and does all the tolietry crap! She puts on her black and white polka dot hollister swimsuit and she leaves her hair down. (dont worry shes only 40% black so it wont mess up her hair in the pool lol) 

4:30 P.M (i kno she takes 4 ever to get ready!)

Tyra: Kamiyah! Tiara, Nicole, and Raven are here!

Kamiyah: ok im coming!

Kamiyah walks down the stairs and greets her friends. Nicole is wearing a strapless white hollister bikini. Raven is wearing a pink and white striped bikini. And Tiara is wearing a light blue rebbecca swimsuit from yu guessed it, Hollister.

Kamiyah: Heyy guys! *gives each of them a hug*

NRT: Happy Birthday Kamiyah

Kamiyah: Thanks! yu guys wanna go swim now?

Nicole: yeah sure

They all go into the backyard and is stunned by the decoration. (this is the link to what it looks like, but just smaller and tented 

Raven: This is soo pretty!

Kamiyah: *in amazment* Woooowwww.......

Nicole: Are ya'll just gonna sit there and stare? Ima swim!

Tiara: Coming from the girl with mexican hair...

Nicole: hush!

Nicole gets into the pool with Raven following behind.

Tiara: Why arent yu getting into the pool?

Kamiyah: Im waiting 4 everybody else. Why arent yu getting in?

Tiara: hair!

Kamiyah rolls her eyes.

Kamiyah: AT least put yur feet in!

Tiara: Fine *tiara puts her feet in the water* 

Nicole: i cant wait till they guys get here

Raven: Me 2...I miss Roc...

Tiara: I wanna see Prod again...

Kamiyah: Stop whining! There coming!

Nicole: Sorry gosh.

???: MB Is in the building! *deep voice*

Tiara: Prod! *everybody gets out of the pool*

Prod: Hey Tiara *big smile*

Tiara walks over to Prod and they give a 5 seccond hug.

Nicole, Kamiyah, and Tiara: *look at each other and laugh. and they all get out and hug Prod*

Princeton: What it do? 

Nicole: Hi Princeton

Princeton: Ayee Team Espanol! *tries to hug Nicole* 

Nicole: Wait im wet let me dry off.

Princeton: I dont care! Girl give me a hug! *hugs Nicole*

Princeton hugs the rest of Team Mindless.

Roc: Hey ya'll

Raven: *thinks* YES!

Roc hugs Team Mindless.....but leaves Raven for last.

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